Welcome our New MTA ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ Bellissima

Dear Bellissima, thank you for filling out the application and https://rmiou.com/htgs/ and welcome to RMIOU!! We are excited to have you here!

Thank you Bellissima for following your Husband's lead and having the heart to study towards becoming an:

๐Ÿ’—Abundant Life Coach

I will soon share your portfolio with you that you will use as your office and to keep record of your courses completed, please check your inbox for the link.

You will also be added to our

Last but not least, we look forward to seeing you MINISTERING on LoveAtLast.org and EncouragingWomen.ORG with your comments to posts.

๐Ÿ’—Much Love๐Ÿ’—



BNN Name and Surname
Bellissima Rosa
What country are you from
United States
What languages do you speak?
Do you hold any academic qualifications?
Yes, I hold an academic qualification.
Please give a brief description:
High School / Certified Personal Trainer
Are you currently working outside the house?
No, I do not have a job at this time.
Which Field of Training do you feel called to study?
Abundant Life Coach
Which of these courses have you COMPLETED with JOURNALS
How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage A Wise Woman Finding the Abundant Life Living the Abundant Life
Have you completed a Marriage Encouragement Questionnaire?
What was the approximate month and YEAR you first found our ministry?
Please share your heart with us about what RMI and/or Encouraging Women has done and meant to you AND why you feel called to enroll at RMIOU:
I've been led to RMI for a while now due to the collapse of my marriage but even before that, I've always had a passion for encouraging moms and wives. My life has changed drastically since applying the promises and principles I learned because I no longer look to others to fulfill what only my HH and HF can. I'm interested in becoming a minister because I know it'swhat I'm called to do I know I didn't walk through the fire with my HH just to allow those stories of how he brought me through to die with me. Jesus is the first in my life and Finding an abundant life has helped me the most. I wrote in my physical journals and read the books I ordered online but I feel my HH is calling me higher and requiring obedience and consistency that I haven't given him before. I must confess I've been l Jonahonah going my own way but he has so gently led me back here multiple times. I let go of both old emails because my love let me know that I wasn't being discreet and thdidn't't bring honor to my EH . So i have a brand new name and email and i am Willing and ready to pick up my cross whatever that might look like. I have always tithed to my storehouse was made aware through the holy spirit that this needs to be the only place thaI i tithe to. So i have been broken and corrected in a lot of areas and i think through my mistakes and my HH'S grace I am ready to minister humbly.

Protection & Prosperity
I tithe to RMI my Storehouse


Please welcome Bellissima with a promise from Him. Here's mine"

"Theย Lord appeared to us in the past, saying: 'I have loved you with an everlasting love;ย I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.'" J313


4 thoughts on “Welcome our New MTA ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ Bellissima”

  1. Welcome dear Belissima.
    Happy that you are with us, because we are all privileged to be able to work for Him and with Him, sowing hope. We truly have THE best Husband there is.
    A promise from Him to you dear and a big hug from Brazil to you:๐ŸŒท๐Ÿ’•
    โ€œI also say that if two of you agree on earth in any matter about which you ask, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven.โ€โ€”Matthew 18:19

  2. Dear Belissima, welcome!! We are so happy to have you here!

    Our Beloved has great plans for you ๐Ÿฅฐ

    Here is His promise for you:

    “โ€œDonโ€™t be afraid,โ€ he said, โ€œfor you are very precious to God. Peace! Be encouraged! Be strong!โ€ As he spoke these words to me, I suddenly felt stronger and said to him, โ€œPlease speak to me, my lord, for you have strengthened me.โ€ – Daniel 10:19

  3. Hi Bellissima,happy to have you here with us following His lead and helping others through His words and teachings and your experiences on this journey. The promise He gave me for you :

    Romans 4:16
    For this reason it is by faith, in order that it may be in accordance with grace, so that the promise will be guaranteed to all the descendants, not only to those who are of the Law, but also to those who are of the faith of Abraham, who is the father of us all.

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