Ministry of Reconciliation
“All of this comes from God, who has reconciled us to himself and has given us the ministry of reconciliation, we are His ambassadors…”
Unlike a counselor or therapist, which encourages clients to talk about their problems and tap into how they "feel" that focuses on what’s happening to them and who they can’t change—a Marriage Minister knows what GOD says about relationships—beginning by strengthening their relationship with Him. They understand only GOD can restore their marriage and every other relationship GOD begins restoring first.
A Marriage Minister encourages women and simply shares what she's learned with other women who are facing the most difficult time of their lives. If you feel called to prepare yourself to Minister, to "care for" women—using what God used to help you get to where you are now—then there's no better time to begin "for such a time as this."
Below are the 7 Courses in order of their importance for a Marriage Minister Certification. Remember that when attending university, you will normally take more than just ONE class but will take several at once—depending on the time you have. Most importantly, study with your Husband and allow Him to lead you! “The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures; HE LEADS ME beside quiet waters. He restores my soul.”
- Some of you have a job.
- Some of you have children.
- Some of you have a husband at home.
Regardless of your present situation, discuss everything with your Husband who will lead you, not just knowing which course to begin with or how many courses to take at a time—but He must be with you during each lesson and each day and as you fill out the journals!
It's vital that you ENJOY IOU and live what you will be sharing when you're ministering to other women. We will not only be the most effective because it will ooze out of us and pour easily from our hearts without any effort—but it will also protect you from living the life of a Pharisee. A Pharisee —which is very dangerous—but also is the easiest for a non-believer to spot.
A huge part of your Course is using what you learned as "praise" on our Encouraging Women blog but also under each lesson, where you can encourage the new brides to join you in going through the course lessons and become IOU Students themselves.
IOU: 🎓 QuickStart Enrollment Application
7 Courses for Your Marriage Minister Certification
Restore Your Marriage
Español • Português
• Français
• Slovenský
• Afrikaans
• Tagalog
• Nederlands
• Türkçe
• Polski
• Italiano
When it comes to restoring marriages—MOST have no idea what GOD says—not pastors, not Christian counselors, no one but GOD knows how to RESTORE a Hopeless Marriage. This one book has given not only hope to countless women but at the same time, it has uncovered the truth regarding what God says about marriage, brings conviction, and helps women to begin to look at themselves rather than erroneously believing it was their husband (or partner) who is to blame. Providing this book to the women you're ministering to will eliminate almost all personal encouragement and also answer most questions.
That's why sending the women you're ministering to through the same path He led you on your own journey is extremely important. HopeAtLast.com By simply filling out the Marriage Questionnaire, they will be given a free RYM eBook immediately and also have the opportunity to receive a paperback book, as well. Yet, having a Marriage Minister to encourage her along her journey—to the point that she becomes a colleague—working towards having her own Ministry will ensure each woman's life (and the lives around her) is changed.
- As you study each Marriage Ministry Course 1 lesson, remember to work with your Husband, your Maker, because He said, "Apart from Me, you can do nothing," and ask Him whom to think of as you journal.
- Keep the email copy in your Gmail folder to refer to, and add the RYM
Checklist to your IOU Student Portfolio to see how far you've come.
- Please be sure to do the lessons in your OWN language if available. If not, use a similar language and use the orange Google Translate.
Español 🇪🇸 • Português 🇧🇷 • Français 🇫🇷 • Slovenský 🇸🇰 • Afrikaans 🇿🇦 • Tagalog 🇵🇭 • Nederlands 🇳🇱 • Polski 🇵🇱 • Italiano 🇮🇹
When it comes to restoring relationships—MOST women have no idea that they've built their entire lives—each of their relationships—on Sinking Sand. By focusing on the positive, rebuilding, and reinforcing solid relationships through your Encouraging Women Wise Woman Fellowships—centered on PRAISE—you will see the faces of everyone who attends begin to transform.
Even though this is listed as A Wise Woman from the very beginning, you can use A Wise Woman and have your own Encouraging Women Wise Woman Fellowship—we'd actually encourage you to do so—or at least attend one.
As we said earlier, when attending university, you will normally take more than just ONE class but will take several at once—depending on the time you have but primarily allowing your Husband to help you choose as He leads you! “The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures; HE LEADS ME beside quiet waters. He restores my soul.”
- As you study each A Wise Woman lesson, remember to work with your Husband, your Maker, because He said, "Apart from Me, you can do nothing," and ask Him whom to think of as you journal.
- Keep the email copy in your Gmail folder to refer to, and add the A Wise Woman ✅ Checklist to your IOU Student Portfolio to see how far you've come.
- Please be sure to do the lessons in your OWN language if available. If not, use a similar language and use the orange Google Translate.
This book is one of Erin's all-time favorites, and how many times each day or each week she ponders the promises and principles He revealed to her that are in this one book. This is an ADVANCED FREE Course. Since you most likely have already read through RYM—you will find that this book and its course will help you identify clearly how the very same principles in RYM can and should be used in almost all our relationships.
A marriage relationship is undoubtedly unique in that submission (when legally married) is a principle that often changes everything. Yet, when subtracting the submission "default" principle in our other relationships, you'll be able to encourage each woman you minister to just how beautifully each principle can leave the restoration in GOD's hands. At the same time, you and they are able to navigate through problems or crises while enjoying restoration or the lack thereof.
- As you go through Restore Your Relationships with the mindset of ministering as a PRM, keep at least one or two women in mind as you do the IOU:
Course Assignment for PRM.
- Be sure to fill this out and keep the copy in your Gmail folder to refer to and also to keep a record. If you're ready, let's get started.
Most women will either threaten their husbands with divorce, or they've been threatened by it. Since this threat is so widespread, this is one of the best courses to start your training. You will meet women who are pursuing divorce with a vengeance OR they are fighting it— overwhelmed with fear.
As a Marriage Restoring Minister, you can specialize in something that would be so powerful—if your own divorce took you by surprise or you sensed it was coming and were able to apply these principles. A divorce is always a shock, even when someone has thrown the word "divorce" around during arguments. So it's vital to help the women you're ministering to use this book and reinforce the principles to know how you react to this and any shock or crisis that determines the outcome or how difficult that valley will be to come through.
Instead of resisting evil due to fear, you'll be able to use the principles in this lesson to help them face divorce enthusiastically without fear that can transcend into every area of their lives—and yours—because there is no better way to hone and sharpen our skills than to teach them!
- As you go through Facing Divorce with the mindset of ministering as a PRM, keep at least one or two women in mind as you do the IOU:
Course Assignment for MRM
- Be sure to fill this out and keep the copy in your Gmail folder to refer to and also to keep a record. If you're ready, let's get started.
SEEDS of Faith
“Hear then the parable of the sower. When anyone hears the Word of the Kingdom, and does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what has been sown in his heart. This is the one on whom seed was sown beside the road. And the one on whom seed was sown on the rocky places, this is the man who hears the Word, and immediately receives it with joy; yet he has no firm root in himself, but is only temporary, and when affliction or persecution arises because of the Word, immediately he falls away. And the one on whom seed was sown among the thorns, this is the man who hears the Word, and the worry of the world, and the deceitfulness of riches choke the Word, and it becomes unfruitful. And the one on whom seed was sown on the good soil, this is the man who hears the Word and understands it; who indeed bears fruit, and brings forth, some a hundredfold, some sixty, and some thirty.”
Don’t eat the seeds, sow them into the hearts,
the soil that’s been broken and drenched with tears.
It's Easy to Begin
As a leader, others will follow the same course, the same path, so go to the beginning HopeAtLast.com, and familiarize yourself so that you can point women (or even men) to keep their Divine Appointment.
If you have not come through HopeAtLast.com it's important to experience firsthand the path you want them to follow—so you can encourage women who meet and already know to do the same. So, if you didn't fill out a Marriage Questionnaire, go ahead and fill out the Marriage Questionnaire.
Each of you who is studying to be a Marriage Minister will be given unique opportunities to do Marriage Evaluations and also encourage women and motivate them to seek answers from their Husband, their Maker.
As soon as you register as an IOU Student, you will be added to our notification letter. Once we have a Marriage Encouragement Questionnaire, we will notify you via the email you provided in your application. You will click on the link and:
1. Carefully read the MEQ while you are talking to Him about how He wants you to encourage her on and then:
2. Leave a comment that includes promises He leads you to and also a lesson you'd encourage her to take and how that lesson ministered to you.
3. Keep it short but powerful by again letting Him lead you! Remember, we have a 3 cord that she will read. Once there are 3, we will send the link to the broken-hearted bride. You can continue confirming what the other MM Students have said, but wait until we post another MEQ so we are not overwhelming these new brides and causing confusion.
Here are some earlier sessions Erin left for our Marriage Minister Students. We always want to be careful and not just share all the questionnaires openly on our websites and why we ask on the questionnaire. MM: Shauna and Pearl
Mi nombre es Massiel, soy de la República Dominicana. Me gustaría encontrar una compañera de oración 🙏.
I finished these 7 courses. 🤩 Enjoyed them all so much. Facing Divorce surprised me so much. I am not going through a divorce, in fact by the time I learned we have a facing divorce course, I have been divorced already. I saw no need to do the course, but of course, my Husband knows best. When I did the course to complete my Marriage Minister Certificate, I was surprised at how many of the lessons I could apply to my life today. It is not just facing divorce, but facing anything with Him, enthusiastically and without fear. 💗 Thank you Erin for taking the time to encourage me to finish my courses, I hope each lady reading this comment will be inspired to finish her courses to become a Marriage Minister.
Same with me about Facing Divorce Again—it’s learning about facing anything that naturally brings us to our knees—but with the principles and truths applied it turns everything around supernaturally.
🥳 Congratulations Yvonne!! Well done 🤗 you!!!
Yes, wow, there were so many treasures in that book. 🤩
Congratulations! I am just starting FDA to complete my MM Cert. Before, I thought “I don’t need to read because I am not facing it” but just looking at the chapter names earlier, I thought to myself “I bet this will apply to lots of things”. 😁
Exactly, Hope, I was so surprised to find that this course was exactly what I needed.
são tantas informações e aprendizado que estou em êxtase, confesso que nunca imaginei que existia algo assim. Pessoas usadas pelo senhor pra trabalhar numa área tão delicada quanto a restauração do casamento. Aprendi que a restauração é em todas as áreas da nossa vida, e eu achava que era só a volta do cônjuge. Agora entendi que é mais profundo do que eu imaginava
There is so much information and learning that I am ecstatic, I confess that I never imagined that something like this existed. People used by you to work in an area as delicate as marriage restoration. I learned that restoration is in all areas of our lives, and I thought it was just the return of the spouse. Now I understand that it’s deeper than I imagined