Doing PODCASTS everywhere, anytime

Ladies, our Heavenly Husband shared something with Erin that I want to share with you, and more important than anything, I want each of you reading this to talk to Him and let us know what He is showing you and how YOU can help make this a reality. 🀩

First of all, I need to say, I listened to a few voice notes that Erin left, so I will try to relay the message here as He leads me, but I may not do it justice at all.

You have been seeing us doing PODCASTS for a while now on all our websites and I am sure you all are enjoying it as much as we do and that it blesses you immensely. We want to take this a step further. You know as you are cleaning the house or driving in your car, your mind sometimes wanders and you start talking to Him and all these ideas come into your head, by the time you get to your computer to record, some of it is lost and it is not everything that was there when you spoke to Him.

Erin enjoyed Janine’s PODCAST where she spoke about her son and raising a child with special needs so much and Erin is currently doing a new series called: Enjoy your Children which you all should check out on HomeGrown.

Erin suggested to Janine that she starts doing her podcasts while driving in her car when she goes to pick up her son or after she has dropped him off. None of us are experts in PODCASTS so we want to ask all of you to let us know how this can be done easily. Please make us videos, upload them to youtube, and leave the links here. We want to hear what He showed you and what we can use to make this as enjoyable as possible as well as encourage women in the same situation.

I am excited to hear from all of you and please share this post with ladies you know that will be able to give us some tips on this. ❀

1 thought on “Doing PODCASTS everywhere, anytime”

  1. Yvonne, you have such a talent for using very few words and saying so much! I love the way you summed up my very long and several voice notes. Reading this again and also what transpired over this weekend… Where this idea came from that Janine has wonderfully started to follow and record, has motivated me to record a podcast or two primarily due to the opposition, which is always a good sign that it’s something powerful. Also because I see everything falling into place.
    I’ll need my husband to help me because one part needs to be a recorded praise, and the other a clear explanation of what I shared with Janine and why. I hope to be back later today with a podcast or instructional video.

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