Welcome our New MTA Agata 

Dear Agata, thank you for filling out the application for enrollment

We are elated to see someone join as an apprentice for the Portuguese Team. I am going to ask Paula, our Portuguese Minister to be your instructor and guide you. Your main focus will be encouraging ladies on our Portuguese blog with your Praise, Lessons, and comments, but we would also love to see you on our Encouraging Women blog from time to time.

Ladies, let's make Agata feel welcome and to get to know her, here are some of the things she said in her Enrollment application.

BNN Name and Surname
Agata Peterson

What country are you from

Which Field of Training do you feel called to study?
💗Abundant Life Coach💗

What languages do you speak?
Portuguese, English

Which of these courses have you COMPLETED with JOURNALS

How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage
A Wise Woman
Be Encouraged CLASSICS
Be Encouraged
Finding the Abundant Life
Living the Abundant Life
Poverty Mentality
Moving Mountains

Have you completed a Marriage Encouragement Questionnaire?
I am not here for Marriage Restoration

What was the approximate month and YEAR you first found our ministry?

Please share your heart with us about what RMI and/or Encouraging Women has done and meant to you AND why you feel called to enroll at RMIOU:

I came to the site looking for marriage restoration. I ended up getting sidetracked with so many problems, but as I had taken the courses, I ended up returning to the site about 5 years ago and feeding on the word and the blog daily. My life changed, my marriage was not restored, but my life was, and I continue in holiness and fullness, and I would like to help more women in this search to truly know God as I did.

Protection & Prosperity
I tithe to RMI my Storehouse


4 thoughts on “Welcome our New MTA Agata ”

  1. Welcome my dear Agata. Praise the Lord you came back with the desire to help other women to find Him. It is a blessing for all the Portuguese-speaking ladies!
    This is what My Beloved gave me for you:

    Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say.” Exodus 4:12 NIV

  2. Dear Ágata, welcome! 🥳💓
    Thank you for your desire to bless the lives of so many other women, 🙏🏻and we are so grateful that our Beloved placed in your heart the desire to minister to other women who desperately need the love and healing that only our Heavenly Husband can provide. We thank Him for sending you to be part of this group of women who bring hope to hearts and who work with Him to show others how wonderful it is to live this life that He wants to give us, a life in abundance of love, of peace , of prosperity and joy that we can only find in Him, our true Love.

    I believe He has big plans for you!
    I’m extremely happy you’re here!❤️
    God bless you.

    Querida Ágata, seja bem-vinda! 🥳💓
    Obrigada pelo seu desejo de abençoar a vida de tantas outras mulheres, 🙏🏻e somos muito gratas por nosso Amado ter colocado em seu coração o desejo para ministrar a outras mulheres que precisam desesperadamente do amor e da cura que somente nosso Marido Celestial pode proporcionar. Agradecemos à Ele por ter enviado você para fazer parte deste grupo de mulheres que trazem esperança aos corações e que trabalham com Ele para mostrar aos outros o quão maravilhoso é viver esta vida que Ele quer nos dar, uma vida em abundância de amor, de paz, de prosperidade e de alegria que só podemos encontrar Nele, o nosso verdadeiro Amor.

    Creio que Ele tem grandes planos para você!
    Estou extremamente feliz por você estar aqui!❤️
    Deus te abençoe.

  3. My dear, welcome!
    Gratitude for your heart inclined to encourage and bless the lives of so many other women, my heart rejoices and I praise our Beloved for calling you to minister to other women who seek great love and heal their souls, we know that this healing, only our Heavenly Husband can give it to us. When we discover the path to healing, we can show other women what we also receive. Thanks 🥳💓

  4. Welcome dear Agata!! What a great pleasure to have you here! So glad you heard His call to help other women who are in need and hurting, women who need to know Him as HH!! May through his life and testimony many find comfort, hope and encouragement!! 💓💓

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