Congratulations Paula!
Please congrutale Paula Cruzin Brazil who completed all the available online courses to become a Practicing Minister. Paula is currently leasing the Portuguese Franchise:
"I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing." J155
“Feed my sheep." John 21:17
Monthly Certification and Graduation
Please remember to let us know once you completed your
MM /
MLM courses, email address can be found in the portfolios
*Please remember to use the TRANSLATE Button at the bottom of each screen to translate the text on the page.
Thank you dear Paula, for being such an encouraging bride for all of us.
May our Beloved continue to strengthen and bless you.🌷💕
“Now therefore, my daughter, do not be afraid; all that you have said I will do to you, for the whole city of my people knows that you are a virtuous woman.” Ruth 3:11
Obrigada querida Paula, por ser essa noiva tão encorajadora para todas nós.
Que nosso Amado continue te fortalecendo e te abençoando.🌷💕
“Agora, pois, minha filha, não temas; tudo quanto disseste te farei, pois toda a cidade do meu povo sabe que és mulher virtuosa.” Rute 3:11
Congratulations Paula! I agree with Martha, you have been a woman who has encouraged us and even seeing your progress you encourage us to persist in the knowledge and love of the One who loves our souls.
muchas felicidades mi querida 🎇
Buscad primeramente el reino de Dios y su justicia y todas las demás cosas vendrán por añadidura.
Mateo 6:33