RMIOU ๐ŸŽ“ 17 October Student Fellowship


Hello dear ๐ŸŽ“ Students,

Welcome to our second Blog Post Fellowship!

Yesterday my Beloved gave me this beautiful promise: โ€œThen I will compensate you for the years That the swarming locust has eaten, The creeping locust, the stripping locust, and the gnawing locustโ€” My great army which I sent among you. " Joel 2:25

Reading this verse, He reminded me of the time I lost with my children during the year and a half that I was a "weekend mom" (RJN โ€œMy Custody Lossโ€ Adina Jacobs โ€“ NarrowRoad Publishing House). But my Beloved Lord gave me back those times by not only making it possible to move closer to my children, but also to Homeschool my children. So, I have then with me every day to Homeschool and just do not see them every second weekend when they are with their dad.

He also reminded me of this lesson: HHM C1 โ€œThey Donโ€™t Have Itโ€ from the "He Healed Me" course, and the intro verse:

"They will possess aย doubleย portion in their land . . .

*I will*ย faithfullyย give them their recompense [reward, repayment]."
โ€”Isaiah 61:7

This lesson reminded me that we shouldn't look for recompense from our perpetrators, but from our Beloved Lord. Because I surrendered and trusted Him to repay me for the time the locust ate with my children, my Beloved gave me my recompense. I am also claiming this verse for my children and everything they lost after the divorce and custody case, only their Heavenly Father can give them their recompense, not anybody else.

So, dear students please read the lesson and come and share what He showed you in this lesson in the comment section.

Dear ๐ŸŽ“ Students, our topics for today are about the portfolios.

I have made a video to explain the portfolios a bit better, please leave any question you might have any regarding the portfolios, levels or certificates in the comment section below,

Here is a reminder of the Student Levels:
L1 MTA Become an Apprentice today!

Thank you Students.

Updating your Portfolio Transcription

(0:03) Hello students, in this video I want to show you how to update your portfolio. (0:11) So here I have a portfolio open and I'm just going to scroll down (0:19) until I get to the ministry commitment lessons. So after I've enrolled as a student and I'm (0:28) on a MTA level, you must do these ministry commitment lessons.

(0:37) So you're going to start with the intro lesson. Once you've done it with the journal, you're (0:44) going to hover over this little block and just click on it with your mouse. So you'll see that (0:50) will add a tick there and it will put a line through the name and that means that you have (0:57) completed the lesson.

So the same for all these lessons. As you finish them, you can just tick (1:05) them off in your portfolio. For your RMIOUFT lessons, which is your blog post training, (1:19) you will also, as an MTA, be moved up to a contributor and you can do your three (1:29) contributor lessons by just clicking here and opening up RMIOUFT and then completing (1:39) these three lessons.

After you've done that, you'll come back and you'll tick off the lesson. (1:46) Then when you move down to your certificate courses, here you will also, as you complete (1:56) your courses, you will just click them and tick them off. You can go to the course by just clicking (2:09) on the name of the course and then you'll see there's a pop-up that will open. You can just (2:15) click on it and it will open the course and then once you're completed with all the lessons (2:23) and the journals, you can come back here and just tick off that course.ย 

Something else that I want (2:31) to show you, is completing certificates. So to become a homegrown coach, you need to complete all these (2:41) courses.

So once you've done all of them, you can click on the homegrown coach because you've (2:52) completed homegrown. Then the same with abundant life coach, once you've completed all (2:59) these lessons, you can just come back and click for the abundant life coach and the same with (3:11) marriage minister. Now to move up from MTA to MTI, you can open, if you click on the brownish link, (3:27) you can open MTA to see what you need to do as MTA and here is the explanation of everything that (3:39) you must do and the ministry commitment lessons that you must do.

(3:51) So to move from MTA to MTI, you need to complete all the MTA ministry commitment lessons (4:04) and then any eight of the RMIOU courses. So if I've done all of the homegrown coach (4:14) coursess and one other course, so let's take this off. I will now have eight courses, (4:26) one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.

So now I can move up to MTI. So you can just let (4:34) Adina know at this email address that you have completed eight (4:43) RMI courses plus your ministry commitment lessons for MTA and then you will be moved up (4:50) to MTI level. Once you are moved up to MTI, you can do the MTI ministry commitment lessons and (5:03) then you need to do 15 RMI courses to move up to MTI.

So you're going to complete all of these (5:14) and now I have eight courses here so I still need seven. So let's say for example I'm doing (5:29) all of these and then 13, 14, 15. So now I have 15 RMI courses plus my ministry commitment lessons (5:43) here.

So now I can move up to MTR. So once I'm at MTR level, I will complete all my MTR (5:57) ministry commitment lessons and then to move up to practicing minister, I need to do (6:06) all the lessons or all the courses that I haven't done yet as well as your practical. (6:15) So once all of these level blocks are ticked plus all of your commitment lessons, (6:33) you can move up to practicing minister.

So I hope this helps you and explains a bit more (6:44) about your portfolio and how to keep it updated.

1 thought on “RMIOU ๐ŸŽ“ 17 October Student Fellowship”

  1. Thank you for sharing this valuable lesson, Adina, and for sharing the video transcript so the ladies can read it.

    Regarding the lesson you share, I can identify with you. I always sought to get rewards from my perpetrators, and unfortunately many times I even manipulated or did anything to achieve my goals. Still, when my Beloved brought me to the desert none of those old ways of getting what I wanted worked, and now I see that He intervened so that I could finally surrender to Him. As true as in your case, He has given me what the caterpillar and the grasshopper stole from me, I did not imagine it possible to have so much peace and joy when I was in the desert, but He is faithful and it is true, it rains but then the sun comes out.

    I had to walk in faith because my reasoning could not accept that I should simply wait for something to happen by “staying still” “Be still, and know that I am God” S4610, getting out of my ways of thinking was the biggest battle, but once HE began to manifest Himself as a result of following His principles, my faith was strengthened and that helped me move forward.

    Learning that the reward comes from HIM took the burden off my shoulders and those of my family and friends, I perceived that they felt burdened and uncomfortable because they thought they had to be and do what I wanted, it is very difficult to try to please a person like that. So I thank my Beloved for opening my eyes to the truth and bringing peace to my relationships with that principle.

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