RMIOU ๐ŸŽ“ 10 October Student Fellowship


Hello dear ๐ŸŽ“ Students,

Welcome to our first Blog Fellowship!

I have a two promise about my Beloved Lord's everlasting love that I want to share with you today:

"Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,โ€ says theย Lord, who has compassion on you." Isaiah 54:10

โ€œI have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness." Jeremiah 31:3

These are such a beautiful promise of His love and the fact that He will never leave me, nor forsake me. He reminded me of the following lesson while meditating on this verse: Chapter 3 โ€œThe Love of My Lifeโ€ โ€“ LoveAtLast.org.

This part of the lesson really stood out to me:

"The One I am speaking about is right now on bended knee with a proposal on His lips! He does not want you to be His wife, He longs for you to be His Brideโ€”forever!! A bride and a wife are two very different things. A bride is cherished, is new, and is someone very much inย love! A wife is more of a helpmeet and a โ€œcompleter.โ€ When we are married, we are told to complete and help our husbands. The Bible tells us that, and you have learned that as well inย A Wise Womanโ€”but God wants something more for you. He longs for you to be the LORDโ€™s Bride."

Please read the lesson and come and share what He showed you in this lesson in the comment section.

Dear ๐ŸŽ“ Students, our topics for today are about the portfolios.

I have noticed that the portfolios do not get updated. Updating your portfolio is mandatory as a RMIOU Students so we can give you your certificates and move you up through the levels.

Here is a reminder of the Student Levels:
L1 MTA Become an Apprentice today!

If you are not sure how to update your portfolio, please watch the video in the "Welcome Pack" of your portfolio, or ask here in the comment section.

Thank you Students.

10 thoughts on “RMIOU ๐ŸŽ“ 10 October Student Fellowship”

  1. Adina, thank you for sharing and starting this fellowship meeting. The promises you share are beautiful and encourage me so much. I sincerely sigh as I read them, remembering His amazing and faithful love for me. I had never been so aware of His love as I was during the time in the desert that brought me here, and that ultimately was the most special time of my life, since it was there that I met Him and fell in love.

    I want to share something that my Beloved led me to share today in our fellowship of the IOU student group, it is about this Scripture:

    โ€œI see what youโ€™ve done, your hard, hard work, your refusal to quit. I know you canโ€™t stomach evil, that you weed out apostolic pretenders. I know your persistence, your courage in my cause, that you never wear out. โ€œBut you walked away from your first loveโ€”why? Whatโ€™s going on with you, anyway? Do you have any idea how far youโ€™ve fallen? A Lucifer fall! โ€œTurn back! Recover your dear early love. No time to waste, for Iโ€™m well on my way to removing your light from the golden circle.” R224 MSG

    He speaks to a church [Bride] that does things right, that strives and does it for the love of His name (I think this is where I am now)… it is not about the emotion or feeling that I experienced when I first met Him, but rather when reading it in this version I understood that it is about my attitude of humility, need and dependence on HIM when I arrived at my First Love, at that moment I arrived broken and recognizing MY DEEP NEED FOR HIM. I arrived humble because I had already tried everything and proven that I could not achieve victory on my own but that really only a miracle could save me from the crisis.

    In connection with what you share, I am encouraged to reciprocate His eternal love by keeping Him first in my heart through humility, letting go of my reasoning and way of doing things even when I have done them successfully before, to let go once again in total dependence on His wisdom and strength.

    1. Yes Anastasia I also experienced His love so greatly when my journey started, previously it was more about religion for me and not relationship. I love the verse you shared, explaining that we should not focus on religion and deeds, but focussing on relationship with Him as our First Love.

  2. This was the part of the lesson that touched my heart the most:
    “There is no doubt that our world today is impoverished and it is up to us to feed it with truth. However, we cannot express to anyone what we ourselves do not have, when we live in poverty and need! We must first delight in the intimacy that is ours when we TAKE THE TIME TO DEVELOP IT. Nothing comes from thinking about it, but from prioritizing our lives by prioritizing our hearts first!”

    I quickly related it to what we were discussing today in the fellowship group. For a long time I idealized not only my earthly relationships (them towards me, but also me towards them) and with that same mistaken idea I thought it would be the “perfect” relationship with the one who loves my soul so much. We meditated and the Lord spoke to me: Perfect love is He, the one who loves in perfection is only He. I recognized that I am like obsessed and self-absorbed in my love for Him being the same way and that has brought me disappointment and a heavy burden when I fail or I strive.
    In reality, the love that I now have to give Him and He knows it is as Anastasia mentioned above: it is a dependence on Him, He knows my limitations. He knows that my soul yearns for Him and does not want to separate from Him, because I am aware that without Him I can do nothing and I am nothing. But it is not just about wanting it, as the part of the lesson that I shared with you said. Although I know it is not because of my works, I do know that those who seek Him diligently find Him, those who insist on knocking on His door, He opens it, and those who ask Him to become real, He gives it to them.

    Today I love Him with a contrite heart (repentant, afflicted for not knowing how to love Him in the way He deserves) that in humility (a virtue that consists of knowing one’s own limitations and weaknesses and acting in accordance with this knowledge) recognizes the imperfect love I have to give Him, I recognize my lack, but also that great need for Him.
    The resources I have to love Him are limited, but He will take care of making them flourish, grow, if I spend enough time with Him daily, without worrying about other things, giving Him the place that corresponds to Him in my life. the first

    I share with you the first promise that He gave me, which I keep deep in my heart: (I will sow in you for myself)
    Hosea 2:23
    New Living Translation
    23 At that time I will sow a harvest of Israelites
    and I will make them grow for myself.
    I will show love
    to those whom I previously called โ€œunlovedโ€[a].
    And to those whom I called โ€œthey are not my peopleโ€[b],
    I will say: โ€œNow they are my people.โ€
    And they will answer: โ€œYou are our God!โ€ยป

    His love is perfect, his love is eternal and long-lasting, his love is inexhaustible, his love does not change at all, his love is patient and good, his love is faithful and believes everything, hopes for everything and endures everything, does not give up, does not fail, does not lie, does not get tired or disappointed, does not look with bad eyes, his love covers me, my lacks, and my faults. His love is everything and even though I cannot give him the same in return, he still loves me just the same. Because the day will come when I will be able to love him with perfect love.

    Now I enjoy and am grateful, as he does, for what he himself has put inside me to give him, and I delight in that, whether it is a lot or a little, my dependence on him is my way of loving him and I know that by persevering, asking, knocking and searching, it will be better and better every day.

    1. Dear Kathleen, thank you for what you shared. The part that you shared from the lesson really spoke to me because cannot give away what we ourselves do not have. If we tell people one thing, but our lives reflect something completely different, they will not want what we “have”. But IF we radiate with His love, peace and joy, others will want what we have.

  3. Adina, thank you for this beautiful blog, for sharing these beautiful Promises. When reading the lesson, I was reminded of this Promise that He gave me, when I was so sorry for my faults, when He put my sins in the mirror at the beginning of my Journey:
    ‘ยถยปYou are all beautiful, my love, And there is no defect in you. ‘
    Song of Solomon 4:7
    It made me cry, because I could feel so real that love of His, that has sustained me all this way.
    And experiencing the Lord as Our Husband, is something so beautiful, and it is the best gift that God has given me, by bringing me here, and that Mercy, that He has had by showing me Our Beloved in this way.
    Getting to know the Lord in this way is a privilege, because there is so much intimacy and constant communication with Him, and learning to bring everything to His feet, and not seeing Him as a distant God, but living thinking, opening my eyes every day, with Him, is my strength every day. Without this relationship that the Lord showed me, I would not have been able to walk this process. And it is true, we long for people who have no idea what we need, who are immersed in the things of the world, looking for a false happiness that brings nothing but loneliness and sadness. If we seek more of Our Heavenly Husband every day, we will find that peace and eternal happiness that no one else can give us.
    And He loves us as we are, with our falls, our tears, with our joys, and no one knows what each one of us has been through more than Him. I want to thank my Beloved, for that love that breaks down walls, for that love that He give me every day, and that we can give to others without expecting anything in return.

    1. Dear Liza thank you for sharing, I used to see my Beloved as a distant God, waiting to punish me for the things I did wrong. So for me “religion” was more based on fear. But praise the Lord He led me here to show me that I was completely wrong, that He wants a relationship with me and that He wants to help me and support me. He wants to perfect His strenght in my weakness and He wants me to lean on Him and not my own understanding. He wanted me to learn that He is always there for me, He will never leave me or forsake me, He loves me with an eternal love.

  4. Thank you, dear Adina, for this format of meeting…

    It was wonderful to reread this lesson today, because my mind was renewed by this chapter that confirms everything we have learned since we arrived on this journey, that all we need is Him as our Man of value.

    And that we have no reason to yearn for a man who is yearning for the world and the things of the world, if we have Him as the Love of our lives.

    My Beloved has taught me that my heart should yearn only for Him, and for no one else, because if I yearn for anything other than Him, I will be being unfaithful to my Heavenly Husband. This has helped me a lot to truly give my heart to Him. And to become more and more in love with Him every day.

    I live so happily after HE truly became my Husband. Ever since He truly became My Husband, I have been enjoying this genuine love that does not disappoint me. On the contrary, when I am starting to feel sad, I run to HIM and ask Him to give me a double portion of His love. I have learned that I must love Him above all things, that when I look at HIM, I feel no pain, no sadness, or fear, because I have discovered that when we truly love our Heavenly Husband nothing will make us feel fear anymore, because True love casts out all fear.

    1. Dear Marta how amazing that we can run to Him, talk to Him and cry on His shoulder. We can share everything with Him without being judged or critised, His arms are always open and His ear ready to listen. His love for us is unconditional and all we need to live an Abundant Life. Then love others with His love that overflows in our hearts, without needing their love and acceptance.

  5. It has been a while since I read this lesson. This lesson takes me back to when I first read this lesson: I learned that I had put my FH first in my life when He wanted to be first in my life. I felt so guilty that I longed for my FH who lived in the middle of the world, I thought my FH was the one who could fulfill my need for unconditional love. How foolish I was to believe this.
    It touches my heart again to read how He longs for me to be His bride. He alone can give us the perfect love and intimacy that we as women long for. I enjoy His love and warmth that is present every day. I have so much peace and tranquility in my life because I have the certainty that I am under His protection and He loves me with an everlasting love.
    He gives me the strength to have unconditional love for other people and people who hurt or harm me. Because I have Him and that I have everything I need. Only with Him do I experience true love and care, the moments with Him alone are moments in which I feel intensely happy

    Song of Songs 2:16 My Beloved is mine, and I am His.

  6. As I read this lesson it reminded me of how we usually run behind the same one that hurted us and get more hurt when we can chase one whom is actually not running form us but to us just waiting for we to run to him with open heart and arms, He heals and restores and fills me with the Joy I need knowing that all in need is Him and come from Him. when i long for another it hurts Him just it hurts me when the ones I love long for others.

    “God also sees your heart as you long for someone other than His Son, and it has to grieve Him even more than it grieves me. I want so much to get this across to every woman in the worldโ€”oh, precious one; there is NO REASON for you to hurt, not ever. There is no reason for you to long for a man who is longing for the world and the things of this world. You have a special Someone who will cherish and love you, and give you every desire of your heart and if you have enough of Him, you will never experience that pain of rejection or longing again.”

    I love this part from the lesson it reminds me of me but also that His love is healing, with it I need nothing else!

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