Welcome our New MTA Gaby 🇪🇸 

Dear Gaby, thank you for filling out the enrolment form and welcome to RMIOU!! We are excited to have you here!

Thank you, Gaby, for following your Husband's lead and having the heart to study towards becoming an:

💔 Marriage Minister 💔

We look forward to seeing you MINISTERING on Elanimador.com with your comments to posts.

💗Much Love💗


NN Nombre y Apellido
Gaby M. Musseb
Yo soy:
¿Cuál es su país de origen?
República Dominicana
¿Qué idiomas habla?
¿Tiene algún título académico?
Sí, tengo un título académico.
Por favor dé una breve descripción:
Soy licenciada en mercadotecnia, cursado en la Universidad Dominicana O&M.
¿Estás trabajando actualmente fuera de casa?
Sí, trabajo para ganarme la vida.
Por favor proporcione una breve descripción de su ocupación actual.
Laboro actualmente de forma independiente, en ventas por internet de equipos electrónicos, realizo la labor desde casa, pero estoy buscando empleo para mejorar los ingresos
¿En cuál Campo de Formación se siente llamada a estudiar?
Ministra Matrimonial
¿Cuáles de estos cursos ha COMPLETADO ya con DIARIOS?
Cómo Dios Puede y Va a Restaurar Su Matrimonio
¿Ha completado un Cuestionario de Esperanza Matrimonial?
¿Cuál fue el mes y el AÑO aproximado en el que usted encontró nuestro ministerio?
03/28/2024 10:00 AM
Por favor comparta su corazón con nosotras sobre lo que RMI y/o El Animador ha hecho y significado para usted y por qué se siente llamada a inscribirse en RMIOU:
Llegue a este ministerio buscando " restauración matrimonial" aunque no soy casada, en mi busqueda por la restauracion yo encontre primero el libro como Dios puede y va a restaurar su matrimonio y luego el ministerio mientras leia el libro, el ministerio me ha enseñado acercarme mas a Dios realmente y a verlo de una manera diferente, este ministerio a sido como un guia espiritual para mi, pues siempre he sido creyendo de Dios y visitaba iglesia, incluso una vez me entregue a Jesucristo hise confesión de fe , pero segui haciendo cosas del mundo, y sentía que Dios me llamaba de diferente formas y yo no atendida a su llamado, pero abri mi casa para que se hicieran celulas de oraciones los jueves con los hermanos de la iglesia donde pertenece mi madre y ahi comencé a entregarme un poco mas a Dios oraba todos los dias y leia su palabra aunque no entendía nada, luego comenzaron mis pruebas fuertes y mi familia se vino abajo debido a mi contension y amargura, cabe destacar que con este ministerio y el libro pude reconocer mis errores, y doy toda la gloria a mi Amado, El espiriu Santos me ha llenado de su presencia , sigo buscando de Dios y siento que aun falta mucho mas, ( he buscado tanto de Dios que escuche su voz audible, la cual en un T.A mas adelante contare el hecho, me llevo una impresion muy grande , quede en chock por varios dias y aveces siento temor y el enemigo intenta que yo coja miedo luego recito ese T.A. ) tengo deseo de servir a mi Amado en algo para su gloria y honra , antes dudaba de dar este paso porque no tengo un matrimonio restaurado, y a veces siento que no es la voluntad de Dios restaurarlo, estoy en un momento que ya no quiero la restauración, solo quiero servir a Cristo , seguir su camino y reunirme con mis hijos nuevamente cuando sea la voluntad de Dios, la restauración con mi ex pareja aunque aun me duele siento que ya no es mi prioridad, pues me duele mucho todavia su manera de ser, no me gusta lo seco que de comporta, poco amable , siempre fue así conmigo ,y siempre senti que nunca me quiso, pues ya decidi renunciar a la restauración y que Mi amado ponga en cada uno de nosotros las personas correctas, que le de una mujer a el con la que el se sienta pleno y lleno, y a mi si es un voluntad un gran esposo, a su tiempo, y sino también puedo quedarme soltera, como dije antes siento necesidad de servir a Dios en algo y estar con mis hijos.
Protección & Prosperidad
Yo diezmo a RMI mi Almacén
NN Name and Surname
Gaby M. Musseb
I am:
What is your country of origin?
Dominican Republic
What languages do you speak?
Do you have any academic degrees?
Yes, I have an academic degree.
Please give a brief description:
I have a degree in marketing, studied at the Dominican University O&M.
Are you currently working away from home?
Yes, I work for a living.
Please provide a brief description of your current occupation.
I am currently working independently, in internet sales of electronic equipment, I do the work from home, but I am looking for a job to improve income
In which field of training do you feel called to study?
Marriage Minister
Which of these courses have you already COMPLETED with DIARIOS?
How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage
Have you completed a Marriage Expectancy Questionnaire?
What was the approximate month and YEAR in which you found our ministry?
03/28/2024 10:00 AM
Please share your heart with us about what RMI and/or The Entertainer has done and meant to you and why you feel called to enroll in RMIOU:
I came to this ministry looking for "marriage restoration" even though I am not married, in my search for restoration I first found the book how God can and will restore your marriage and then the ministry as I was reading the book, the ministry has taught me to really get closer to God and to see Him in a different way, this ministry has been like a spiritual guide for me, because I have always been believing in God and I visited church, even once I gave myself to the Lord I made a confession of faith, but I continued doing things of the world, and I felt that God called me in different ways and I did not attend to his call, but I opened my house so that prayer cells could be made on Thursdays with the sisters of the church where my family belongs. mother and there I began to give myself a little more to God I prayed every day and read his word even though I did not understand anything, then my strong trials began and my family fell apart due to my contention and bitterness, it should be noted that with this ministry and the book I was able to recognize my mistakes, and I give all the glory to my Beloved, The spirit has filled me with his presence, I continue to search for God and I feel that there is still much more to come, (I have sought so much from God that I heard his audible voice, which in a PR later I will tell the fact, I take a very big impression, I was shocked for several days and sometimes I feel fear and the enemy tries to make me get afraid then I recite that PR) I have a desire to serve my Beloved in something for his glory and honor, before I was hesitant to take this step because I don't have a restored marriage, and sometimes I feel that it is not God's will to restore it, I am at a time that I no longer want restoration, I just want to serve the Lord, follow his path and be reunited with my children again when it is God's will, The restoration with my ex-partner although it still hurts me I feel that it is no longer my priority, because his way of being still hurts me a lot, I do not like how dry he behaves, unkind, he was always like that with me, and I always felt that he never loved me, because I already decided to renounce the restoration and that My beloved put in each of us the right people, that he gives him a wife with whom he feels full and fulfilled, and to me if it is a will a great husband, in his time, and if not I can also remain single, as I said before I feel the need to serve God in something and be with my children.
Protection & Prosperity
I tithe to RMI my Storehouse


Please welcome Gaby with a promise from Him. Here's mine:

"The LORD makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him;  though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the LORD upholds him with his hand." Psalms 37:23-24
"El Señor afirma los pasos del hombre cuando le agrada su modo de vivir; podrá tropezar, pero no caerá, porque el Señor lo sostiene de la mano." Salmos 37:23-24


3 thoughts on “Welcome our New MTA Gaby 🇪🇸 ”

  1. Querida Gaby, que alegría poder recibirte aquí en el ministerio.💓 No hay nada mejor que estar con nuestro Amado, confiando que Él tiene el control de nuestras vidas. Y siempre digo lo privilegiados que somos de poder trabajar para Él y con Él, sembrando esperanza.
    Que nuestro Amado siga guiando tus pasos.🫶
    Quiero compartir contigo esta promesa de Él: “Dad a los demás y Dios os dará también a vosotros. Recibiréis mucho, una cantidad generosa que se pondrá en vuestras manos, más de lo que podáis llevar. Con la misma medida con que medís a los demás, os dará Dios.” Lucas 6:38🌷
    Dear Gaby, what a joy to be able to welcome you here to the ministry.💓 There is nothing better than being with our Beloved, trusting that He is in control of our lives. And I always say how privileged we are to be able to work for Him and with Him, sowing hope.
    May our Beloved continue to guide your steps.🫶
    I want to share this promise from Him with you: “Give to others and God will also give to you. You will receive a lot, a generous amount that will be placed in your hands, more than you can carry. By the same measure you use with others, God will give it to you.” Luke 6:38🌷

  2. Dear Gaby, I am grateful that He has brought you to this ministry and you have a desire to experience Him as Heavenly Husband and help other women. He will help you and get to know Him as Heavenly Man and guide you further on this journey. He looks sick to carry out His plan with your life.

    The Lord will guard your going out and your coming in From this time forth and forever. Psalms 121:8 (NASB1995) https://www.bible.com/nl/search/bible?query=Psalm%20121%3A8

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