Dear Bianca, thank you for filling out the application and and welcome to RMIOU!! We are excited to have you here!
Thank you, Bianca, for following your Husband's lead and having the heart to study towards becoming an:
Marriage Minister
I will soon share your portfolio with you that you will use as your office and to keep record of your courses completed, please check your inbox for the link.
You will also be added to our
Last but not least, we look forward to seeing you MINISTERING on with your comments to posts.
Much Love
I am: |
Female |
What country are you from |
Brasil |
What languages do you speak? |
Português |
Do you hold any academic qualifications? |
Yes, I hold an academic qualification. |
Please give a brief description: |
Licenciatura em pedagogia , artes visuais e ed física ./ Degree in pedagogy, visual arts and physical ed. |
Are you currently working outside the house? |
Yes, I work for a living. |
Please give a brief description of your current occupation. |
Profissional |
Which Field of Training do you feel called to study? |
Marriage Minister |
Which of these courses have you COMPLETED with JOURNALS |
How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage A Wise Woman Workers@Home Finding the Abundant Life Living the Abundant Life Living Lessons 1-33 Poverty Mentality His Princess Series |
Have you completed a Marriage Encouragement Questionnaire? |
I am not here for Marriage Restoration |
In order for us to search for your journals as well as MEQ, please give us all the email addresses you have ever used to submit a journal. You can list them separated by a comma (,) |
What was the approximate month and YEAR you first found our ministry? |
08/01/2020 |
Please share your heart with us about what RMI and/or Encouraging Women has done and meant to you AND why you feel called to enroll at RMIOU: |
queridas ! Estou muito feliz por estar aqui desde que encontrei o ministério Deus tem me moldado a ser uma pessoa melhor . Nestes 4 anos já tive a momentos que participei mais e outros na qual estive mais quieta . Mas a minha mentalidade nunca mais foi a mesma desde que encontrei o RmI louvo ao nosso marido por esta oportunidade. Vivenciei um casamento restaurado e uma nova visão de tudo que já havia feito em minha vida ! Que sejamos encorajadas ! Amo vocês queridas
Dear! I am very happy to be here since I found the ministry God has molded me to be a better person. In these 4 years I have had moments in which I participated more and others in which I was quieter. But my mindset has never been the same since I found RmI, I praise our Husband for this opportunity. I experienced a restored marriage and a new outlook on everything I had ever done in my life! Let us be encouraged! Love you darlings
Protection & Prosperity |
I am an RMI Investment Partner |
Please welcome Bianca with a promise from Him. Here's mine:
‘Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.’ J333
Juan 21:16
Traducción en lenguaje actual
16 Jesús volvió a preguntarle:
—Simón, hijo de Juan, ¿me amas?
Pedro le contestó:
—Sí, Señor. Tú sabes que te quiero.
Jesús le dijo:
—Entonces cuida de mis seguidores, pues son como ovejas.
Bienvenida Bianca
Parabéns querida Bianca.
Você tomou a melhor decisão de sua vida!
Que nosso Amado Marido cumpra os desejos do seu coração, enquanto você se deleita na Sua palavra e no Seu amor que é o infinito!
Amo você . Um beijo
Querida Bianca, que alegria em meu coração poder te dar as boas boas-vindas aqui conosco.
Todos nós somos privilegiadas por podermos aprender com Ele, e podermos viver a vida Abundante que Ele anseia dar a tantas outras, e foi aqui que Ele nos guiou.

We are all privileged to be able to learn from Him, and to be able to live the Abundant life that He longs to give to so many others, and it was here that He guided us.

Obrigado por se juntar ao time PTG. Que o Senhor continue guiando seus passos querida.
Quero compartilhar essa promessa com você: “Dê aos outros e Deus também acontecerá a você. Você receberá muito, uma quantia generosa que será colocada em suas mãos, mais do que você pode carregar. Pois a mesma medida que você usa com os outros, Deus usará com você.” Lucas 6:38
Muito amor para você!
Dear Bianca, what a joy in my heart to be able to welcome you here with us.
Thank you for joining the PTG team. May the Lord continue to guide your steps, dear.
I want to share this promise with you: “Give to others and God will also happen to you. You will receive a lot, a generous amount that will be placed in your hands, more than you can carry. For the same measure that you use with others, God will use with you.” Luke 6:38
Much love to you!
Dear Bianca,
I am thankful that He is leading you to become a student. I want to entcourage you to always let Him take the control in your life.
Thou wilt show me the path of life: In thy presence is fulness of joy; In thy richt hand there are pleasures for evermore. Psalms 16:11
Bem vinda Bianca, que alegria tê-la aqui conosco
Que essa promessa encha o seu coração de esperança: “Eu irei adiante de ti, e endireitarei os caminhos tortuosos; quebrarei as portas de bronze, e despedaçarei os ferrolhos de ferro.I452
Dear Bianca We are happy to have you here with us sharing His love and Goodness in your life, may He continue to guide you always.
John 16:13
“When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own but will tell you what he has heard. He will tell you about the future.”