Buenas noches desde México, queridas ministras, bendiciones
Quiero ingresar a la universidad, ya tengo NN y Gmail también y además mi foto radiante .
Necesito ayuda para registrarme
Alesya Abraham
Good evening from Mexico, dear ministers, blessings
I want to get into college, I already have NN and Gmail too and also my radiant photo.
I need help signing up
Hola , buenas noches, les comento que ese formulario ya lo he rellenado y en mi correo me han contestado lo mismo, cómo que se ha hecho un círculo,pues me vuelven a enviar allí .
Hello, good evening, I tell you that I have already filled out that form and in my email they have answered the same thing, as if a circle has been made, well they send me there again.
I am so sorry you are experiencing difficulties to enroll my dear Patricia, but our Beloved will use it for good. He led me to go and search for your form, but I couldn’t find it in the records, did you complete the English or Spanish form?
Olá minha querida Maria, você pode clicar nos links de inscrição acima que o levará ao formulário IOU: QuickStart Enrollment Application que você pode preencher.
Hello my dear Maria, you can click on the enroll links above which will take you to the IOU: QuickStart Enrollment Application form that you can complete.
Buen día amadas, en verdad quiero ser estudiante y comenzar y poder completar mis estudios en esta universidad
Buenas noches desde México, queridas ministras, bendiciones
Quiero ingresar a la universidad, ya tengo NN y Gmail también y además mi foto radiante .
Necesito ayuda para registrarme
Alesya Abraham
Good evening from Mexico, dear ministers, blessings
I want to get into college, I already have NN and Gmail too and also my radiant photo.
I need help signing up
Alesya Abraham
My dear Patricia, thank you for having the heart to help others and following your Beloved’s lead!
Please begin by completing the Enrolment Form, https://rmiou.com/quickstart-enrollment/ or here is the Spanish form: https://esperanzaalfin.com/inscripcion-rapida/
Mi querida Patricia, ¡gracias por tener el corazón para ayudar a los demás y seguir el ejemplo de tu Amado!
Por favor, comience por completar el formulario de inscripción, https://rmiou.com/quickstart-enrollment/ o aquí está el formulario en español: https://esperanzaalfin.com/inscripcion-rapida/
Hola , buenas noches, les comento que ese formulario ya lo he rellenado y en mi correo me han contestado lo mismo, cómo que se ha hecho un círculo,pues me vuelven a enviar allí .
Hello, good evening, I tell you that I have already filled out that form and in my email they have answered the same thing, as if a circle has been made, well they send me there again.
I am so sorry you are experiencing difficulties to enroll my dear Patricia, but our Beloved will use it for good. He led me to go and search for your form, but I couldn’t find it in the records, did you complete the English or Spanish form?
boa noite do Brasil. como posso obter mais informações e me inscrever?
good night from Brazil. How can I get more information and apply?
Olá minha querida Maria, você pode clicar nos links de inscrição acima que o levará ao formulário IOU:
QuickStart Enrollment Application que você pode preencher.
Hello my dear Maria, you can click on the enroll links above which will take you to the IOU:
QuickStart Enrollment Application form that you can complete.