The Time is Now
"For Such a Time as This"

"For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for His people from another place...who knows whether you have not attained royalty for such a time as this?” 

RMIOU "Restore Ministries International Online University" is dedicated to helping you feel you are more than able and MORE than prepared to have your own unique ministry based on your own journey—what He's bringing you through.

Your ministry may be in another language that you speak!

We will show you how to simply reach out and encourage those who are hurting and going through a crisis—something you can relate to and understand.

“Blessed be the God and Father of mercies—who comforts us in all our affliction so that we will be able to comfort those who are in any affliction with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God." 

Testimony: It used to be my desire to become a psychotherapist to help people deal with problems that I had myself, like depression, but I dropped out of psychology studies because I couldn't find a solution for myself (and it's full of lies, completely in opposition God's Word), so how could I help others? The Lord showed me the way and healed me by teaching me the Truth that I now wish to impart to others, along with my testimony and the lessons I learned from my mistakes along the way. He made my life meaningful and I am satisfied and happy, which I have been so desperately looking for over the years no longer satisfied by what the world has offered to me, being more and more wounded and empty because I didn't know the truth. Now I see the Lord fulfilling this desire in a much better way than I could have ever imagined, and this is just the beginning. Another heartfelt desire that the Lord has realized is to work from home for almost a year, made possible by the world's virus, which He used to for GOOD in my ministry and other areas as I also had more time for RMI materials and ministry. In addition, after the Lord brought me back to my hometown, many of my relationships were healed, even those I thought could not be saved. 

~ Tiara in Poland is RMI's Polish Translator and the Polish Ministry Pastor.

What kind of ministry could you start?
Find out, read Fulfilling Your Call.

📌 🎓 Students, Bookmark our Student Blog "Restore Ministries International Online University" is a branch of RMIRESTORE MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL • A WORLDWIDE ONLINE MINISTRY

"I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing." John 15:5

We want to help you experience your dreams!

“God can do anything, you know—
far more than you could ever imagine
or guess or request in your wildest dreams!”
—Ephesians 3:20

RMIOU Offers
2 PATHS for Study
2 Branches

Some of you are called to minister; some, however, are more comfortable with the supporting role—the backend, behind the scenes. The technical, administrative side of a ministry. MANY of you are very likely anointed and called to do both.

Speak to your Husband, your Maker, who wants to continue to take your hand and lead you through this amazing journey of training to use your talents and passions that will change lives around the world!!

4 Fields of Ministering Training

To Prepare You for "Your Passion" in Ministering!

Visit our Curriculum page to confirm that RMIOU is where He has called you "for such a time as this" to "save many people" who have gone through or are going through what He has brought you through or is bringing you through!

RMIOU Levels

Level 1 MTA "Minister Team Intern"  Students become interns once they have enrolled.

Level 2 MTI "Minister Team Intern"  Students become interns once they have completed 7 of our courses.

Level 3 MTR "Ministry Team Residents" Students who have completed 15 of our courses.

Level 4 PM "Practing Minister" Students completed all required online courses available.

RMIOU is entirely FREE. NO tuition whatsoever.

It's part of our core principles that our ministry is founded on.

“Give, and it will be given to you. They will pour into your lap a good measure—pressed down, shaken together, and running over. For by your standard of measure it will be measured to you in return.” Luke 6:38

God has given US so much, He has given YOU so much.

He's given you these seeds—not to eat—but to scatter!

“And the one on whom seed was sown on the good soil, this is the man who hears the word and understands it; who indeed bears fruit and brings forth, some a hundredfold, some sixty, and some thirty.” Matthew 13:23

You came here with a 💔 broken heart, the perfect soil drenched and watered with your tears. Now it's time to take your seeds of truth, of comfort, of hope, of encouragement—and scatter them into the 💔 hearts of women or men that only YOU can relate to and understand.

Tour our RMIOU CAMPUS to discover more.



​We believe that the first time you experience helping another woman who was desperate for hope—will be the most thrilling feeling—to witness a life changed, a family saved—due to you simply sharing what He's brought you through.

RMIOU is not anything you've ever heard of.

Your "classes" are FREE, taken in your own home or anywhere you have the Internet, 24/7, giving you the freedom to schedule when you learn, designed to fit your life.

What's even more amazing is that if you've already started your courses, and you've already filled out the Marriage Encouragement Questionnaire, and then started taking Course 1, He's been preparing you and training you to reach out to find women in your area or have seen on Social Media who are desperate for Hope.

Unlike other universities and continued education the world offers, training to become a minister doesn't mean  you will be sacrificing your personal responsibilities nor your current professional duties. Simply exercising the freedom God has given you to take classes online, each and every time He leads you to use your time to the fullest—changing your life and God knows how many other lives—means that in the matter of months you can change the course of your life, forever.


RMIOU is dedicated to fostering what God has already put into you. RMIOU wants to prepare you and show you the sort of opportunities that could launch a global ministry or a ministry that reaches just a handful of hurting women or men. Won't you at least try and find out how easy it is to help others—the brokenhearted, the desperate who are living around the world—who are crying out for hope?


Stop a minute and ask the Lord to remind you of the painful days before He led you to RMI, where you found Hope At Last, and reminding you of your Divine Appointment that brought you peace.

What's wonderful about RMIOU?

​Not only will you be learning how easy it is to have your own ministry, but you'll also begin working with amazing fellow ministers! Our Ministers begin with ePartners and then create 3 Cord groups in order to help each other develop their own ministries!

”A cord of THREE strands is not quickly torn apart”— Ecclesiastes 4:9–12




Your life can change suddenly, so why wait? Become a Bridge Builder


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