⭐ Our Translation Language Ministers⭐
"After these things, I looked, and here was an enormous crowd that no one could count,
made up of persons from every nation, tribe, people, and language..."
Our "Translation Language Minister" will help us branch out while you are becoming a "Marriage Minister" after the first two main books/courses have been translated and then going on to also becoming an "Abundant Life Coach" as He leads and opens the door or focusing on children as a His Princess Coach.
Once the RMIOU training is complete, both academically and by applying what each has learned within Encouraging Women, both administratively and ministerially, then, as stated before— this minister will already be working fully as a Translation Language Minister— as one of our primary RMI Branches a true VIP fulfilling this promise...
*Check to see if we have YOUR LANGUAGE and what has already been TRANSLATED. Then, choose whatever book/course you're most passionate about and begin translating.
**If your language is already translated, proofreading is always welcomed, along with other books and courses that are available in English that have not yet been translated.
Meeting your ePartner as a RMIOU🎓 Student and ⭐ Translation Minister ⭐
Who knows? GOD KNOWS if this is how you meet a life-long ePartner
Be sure to READ the wonderful testimony about Abina and Mira, who met and became lifelong friends and ePartners while translating our resources.
Why not YOU?
“I see very clearly that God shows no favoritism." Acts 10:34
What He does for others, He'll surely do for YOU!
How Translations Work:
- The LNG Folder will be shared with you.
- For each new lesson, create a new Google Document in the language folder.
- Copy and paste the lesson or page from the website to the Google Doc, because the website is the newest version.
- Translate each paragraph by adding the translation above the ENG paragraph, do not delete the ENG.
- If you are an MTR level student who completed the WordPress Editor Training, you can immediately build a new Webpage for your LNG site and add the TRL. Otherwise, an MTR student can be assigned to build the page.
- The Translation will be added to the new webpage with the ENG. The Translation will be added in font size 18 in black, while the ENG will be added as size 14 in light grey.
- As new lessons are published on the EncouragingWomen Blog, it can immediately be translated, for example the Living Lessons.
Translate our Living Lessons
How Proofreading Work:
- The folder with the Translation documents will be shared with you.
- Open the document with the lesson you are going to proofread.
- Read through the English and then the Translation. Make changes to the translation.
- Compare the translation to the English webpage to see if there are any updates that must be added.
- Delete the English from the document.
- If you are an MTR level student who completed the WordPress Editor Training, you can immediately update Webpage by adding the proofed text and removing the English.Add any updates on the ENG page. If you are not an MTR student yet, an MTR can be assigned to update the page.