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Welcome! We are so glad you are taking the first step in building the confidence we often need and what will "enter the Narrow Gate" to Ministering as you enroll in IOU!!

Before filling out this QuickStart Enrollment Application:
1. Be sure that you are protected from the devourer as an Investment Partner (commitment below) that will cover any costs during your university training.
2. Be sure you've followed Steps 1-3 to Becoming a Bridge Builder—then return here to fill out the IOU Enrollment Application.

Please note: Along with a RADIANT picture from Bridge Builder, you will need to attach a clear "headshot" FRONT FACING PICTURE of yourself SMILING to use in your Application File.

This form will enrol you as a student into our online university. Even if you have already done some of the courses, those courses will automatically count as credit. If you have not done any of our courses yet. Now is the time for you to start!

Thank you!

Real Name and Surname
Your Real Name so we know who to associate your BNN with. If you have already completed this, no need to complete it again.
BNN Name and Surname
Visit our website to find your BNN “Brand New Name
Visit our website if you don't know how to setup your “BNN RMI Gmail” Please make sure that this address is correct so your instructor can get in contact with you to introduce themselves.
I am:
If you are male, please visit
List all the languages you speak, separated by a comma, starting with your Home Language.
We want to celebrate your birthday with you with a special video and promises 🥳
Do you hold any academic qualifications?
Are you currently working outside the house?

Tell us more about your current situation:

This information is for us to work with you in an Understanding Way.
Marital Status:
Do you have children? Ages? Do you have custody issues? Do you live alone?

Enrollment and Course Information:

Which Field of Training do you feel called to study?
Which of these courses have you COMPLETED with JOURNALS
Have you completed a Marriage Encouragement Questionnaire?
If you have answered "No", please complete click "Save and Resume Later" and complete a “MEQ (Marriage Encouragement Questionnaire” If you are applying for a Marriage Minister, this is compulsory.
Look at the following guidelines: What led you to RMI? What has RMI and/or Encouraging Woman done and what has it meant to you? How have you and your life changed since learning of the promises and applying the principles from RMI? Why are you interested in becoming a Minister? Who is FIRST in your life? Which resources helped you the most?
Protection & Prosperity
Please visit these pages for more information: tithing and Testimonies about Tithing 
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.

Please go to "Radiant Picture" for more information. Please see the following examples:


Please agree to the following to complete your enrolment:
We use Telegram to communicate and share information with our RMIOU 🎓 Students.

If you are not currently using Telegram, please install it to be added to our student group, here is the link:

We will share the invitation link with you together with your 🎓Student Portfolio.

Thank you for having the heart to encourage others
and to share the hope that we found here at
Restore Ministries International.

We cannot wait to embark on this 🎓Journey with you!

"Feed my sheep." John 21:17


11 thoughts on “IOU: 🎓 QuickStart Enrollment Application”

  1. Hace como un año hice el que había disponible en ese momento, creo que cambio, no recuerdo si en esa fecha de octubre de este año lo hice, y no consigo el email que supongo que se recibe. Sería algo asi como continuar o volver empezar. Si me indicas que hacer, sin problemas puedo llenar nuevamente el formulario, gracias de antemano.

  2. ¡Hola queridas! Llevo 4 días para completar este formulario. El enemigo no quería que lo hiciera, pero en Su tiempo todo se hace. No terminaba de enviarlo porque no me gustaba mi explicación sobre cómo me ha cambiado RMI pues he estado pasando unos días difíciles de ánimo y no salía de mí lo que realmente quería expresar. Así que con paciencia y con Su Amor, con Su Animo -ayer me dio unas palabras tan bonitas mi Amado que escribiré próximamente en en TA- El ha cambiado mi corazón y me ha mostrado la Verdad.

    Con muchas ganas de iniciar esta nueva etapa allí donde me lleve Su Voluntad.

    Hello dear! It took me 4 days to complete this form. The enemy did not want him to do it, but in his time everything is done. I didn’t finish sending it because I didn’t like my explanation about how RMI has changed me because I’ve been going through some difficult days in my mood and what I really wanted to express didn’t come out of me. So with patience and with his Love, with his Encouragement – yesterday my Beloved gave me such beautiful words that I will write soon in TA – He has changed my heart and has shown me the Truth.

    Looking forward to starting this new stage wherever His Will takes me.

    1. Thank you Mira, i am so excited to see your enrolment form and what your Beloved led you to share! If you have any difficulties with the form, please let us know. There is a Save and Resume Later” at the bottom of the form that you can use to safe whatever you have written and give you the option to continue later as your Beloved leads you.

      ¡Gracias Mira, estoy muy emocionada de ver tu formulario de inscripción y lo que tu Amado te llevó a compartir! Si tiene alguna dificultad con el formulario, háganoslo saber. Hay una opción “Guardar y reanudar más tarde” en la parte inferior del formulario que puede usar para guardar todo lo que haya escrito y darle la opción de continuar más tarde según lo guíe su Amado.

  3. Olá boa tarde, eu não recebi o portifólio para começar os estudos, como faço? só recebi um e-mail dizendo que meu portifólio estava sendo preparado, alguém poderia me ajudar

    1. Cara Rayne, respondi seus e-mails da minha caixa de entrada. Por favor, verifique sua caixa de entrada ou spam durante o dia ou amanhã para obter o link para seu Portfólio de Estudante.

  4. Boa Noite! Não consegui enviar meu formulário. Fala que tem erro, mas não encontrei. Salvei para tentar enviar de novo.
    Good night! I was unable to submit my form. He says that there is a mistake, but I didn’t find it. I saved it to try to send it again.

  5. hola a todas , espero poder aprender y conocer más sobre el amor y la transformación que mi Amado desea hacer, tenía miedo y no quería hacer esto pero voy a completar el formulario ahora lo guarde por que siento que él desea que me tome una foto diferente a la que pensaba subir .☺️☺️ estoy emocionada y eso se lo debo a él

    1. Muchas gracias querida por tener el corazón de inscribirse. ¡No puedo esperar para embarcarme en este viaje contigo como estudiante de RMIOU!

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