Lay a foundation while confirming this is what He has called you to do! When you submit your journal after each weekly lessonโ€”our Ministry Team will be reading and seeking God, asking Him where He wants to use you!

*If your first language is not English, consider joining our RMIFLM Translations Team

"Seeing the people, He felt compassion for them because they were distressed and dispirited like sheep without a shepherd. Then He *said to His disciples, โ€œThe harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest.โ€ M936

Level 1 MTA "Minister Training Apprentice"

Level 2 MTI "Ministry Team Intern"

Level 3 MTR "Ministry Attending Resident"

Level 4 PM "Registered Practicing Minister"

Weekly Lessons

Week 1 Laying a Foundation "RMI's History"

Week 2 Preparing for your Ministryย "Marriage Evaluation & Restoration Journey Map"

Week 3 Preparing for your Ministry "Restoration Journey Overview"

Week 4 Preparing for your Ministry "Fulfilling Your Call"

Week 5 Preparing to Minister by becoming a "Minister of Praise"

Week 6 Your Own Ministry WWVBS

Week 7 Preparing to Minister by discovering "Your ePartner"ย IOU
Testimony: Seize the Opportunity.

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