🎓 Certification and Graduation – Nelly MTR

Nelly Moses 🇪🇸

a🎓 Congratulations Nelly

Please congratulate and share a promise with Nelly who completed her Internship and moved up to Resident.  

Nelly successfully completed 15 of our courses to move up to a Resident and is 💞Mentor to 💞Esperanza.

“Let your eyes look straight ahead; fix your gaze directly before you.” Proverbs 4:25

 “I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:14

“Feed my sheep." John 21:17

👩🏻‍🎓 Monthly Certification and Graduation

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13 thoughts on “🎓 Certification and Graduation – Nelly MTR”

  1. Congratulation Nelly may God be with you and you grow deeper with your heavenly husband . He love you so much and create your for such a time . Thank for be encouragement for all the womens who suffers . Be abundantly bless dear sister . 👏🏽🩷🥳

  2. Congratulations Nelly, may our Beloved continue to guide and strengthen you. You are a blessing dear!
    And here is a promise from Him to you:
    “The Lord is my strength and my shield; My heart trusted in Him, and I was helped; therefore my heart leaps with pleasure, and I will praise him with my song. The Lord is the strength of his people; He is the saving strength for His anointed.” P28.7-8

  3. Muchas Felicidades Nelly. Que el Señor te siga dando sabiduria y sigas caminando con tu Esposo Celestial, para ser Su portavoz.
    ‭‭Lucas‬ ‭6:38‬ ‭NBLA‬‬
    [38] Den, y les será dado; medida buena, apretada, remecida y rebosante, vaciarán en sus regazos. Porque con la medida con que midan, se les volverá a medir».


  4. Bella Nelly
    Más que gozosa por ti 🙏 Cada avance, cada lección y cada promoción sean para Su gloria.

  5. Parabéns querida Nely …

    Que alegria ver que dedicou sua vida para acompanhar muitas mulheres que precisam de ajuda agora.
    Nosso amado a recompensará pelo seu sim.
    Sinta se abraçada ❤️

  6. gracias a mi amado por toda su ayuda y fidelidad, a este ministerio y a cada novia que aquí están y las que el señor enviara.

  7. Congratulations dear Nelly💕🥰

    “Once more Jesus addressed the crowd. He said, I am the Light of the world. He who follows Me will not be walking in the dark, but will have the Light which is Life.” – J812

  8. Lieve Nelly,

    Ik ben dankbaar en blij dat Hij hier gebracht heeft en je tot zegen mag zijn voor ons!

    De HEERE zegene u en behoede u! De HEERE doe Zijn aangezicht over u lichten en zij u genadig! De HEERE verheffe Zijn aangezicht over u
    en geve u vrede!
    Numeri 6: 24-26

  9. Querida Nelly,
    ¡Enhorabuena por tu progresión! Que el Señor siga bendiciendo y guiando tus pasos en este viaje y que puedas ser de luz para muchas mujeres. Eres una bendición y una inspiración.

    SALMO 18:33-34 “El hace mis pies como de ciervas, y me afirma en las alturas. Él adiestra mis manos para la batalla, y mis brazos para tensar el arco de bronce.” (LBLA)

    PD: please discard my two previos comments, for some reason my mobile´s software grammar corrector kept changing the words i wrote once i posted the comment -even after reviewing it- so i just turned to my computer to write this comment.

  10. Parabéns Nelly, que o Senhor continue te abençoando em tudo.

    Lembre- se a Palavra que nos diz: “ Pois nele foram criadas
    todas as coisas nos céus e na terra, as visíveis e as invisíveis,
    sejam tronos sejam soberanias, poderes ou autoridades;
    todas as coisas foram criadas por ele e para ele.”
    Colossenses 1:16

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