~ Naomi in UK is currently a Level 2, MTI
RMIOU Student.
I found RMI six years ago after my sister told me about the course. I liked it and wanted to take part in it to learn how to be a better wife and mother. I feel truly blessed that I came to this ministry and this ministry helped me to restore my relationship with my Beloved Lord and that really means a lot to me.
Follow #Naomi
My Personal Journey and BIO:
What has RMI and/or Encouraging Woman done to help you, and what has it meant to you? How have you, and how has your life changed, since learning of the promises and applying the principles from RMI?
They showed how it was to have a real and intimate relationship with the Lord. Encouraging in the moment of crisis. Learning to obey and read the bible
Why are you interested in becoming a Minister?
Because I believe the Lord wants me to do it. Feed my sheep He said.
Who is FIRST in your life? How did this come about?
Now Him. Through an intimate relationship with Him and engagement in the Bible
Are you currently "seeking" restoration for your own marriage? WHY or why not?
Yes. Because of the kids. And because the Lord wants me to believe, that He can save.
Which resources helped you the most? Which are your favorites?
Abundant life series
He healed me
A Wise Woman
What would you like to say to a woman who is reading your BIO? How would you begin ministering to her?
You are beautiful and special to our Beloved. He has a plan for your family, bigger that you can think or imagine. Hold on to Him, and never Let Him go. He is all that you need. There is power in contentment.
Naomi's IOU: π QuickStart Enrollment Application:
BNN Name
Which Field of Training do you feel called to study?
Abundant Life Coach
What languages do you speak?
Portuguese and English
Which of Courses have you COMPLETED
How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage
A Wise Woman
My Beloved
Facing Divorce, Again
Be Encouraged CLASSICS
Be Encouraged
Finding the Abundant Life
Living the Abundant Life
Living Lessons 1-33
Ministry Commitments
What was the approximate month and YEAR you first found our ministry?
Please share your heart with us about what RMI and/or Encouraging Women has done and meant to you AND why you feel called to enroll at RMIOU:
I found Hope and encouragement during my marriage crisis, I found the older woman to teach me how to be a good mother and wife, I saw for the first time what intimacy with the Lord looks like, and it was a road map for me to know God and grow on intimacy with Him. I can remember the first days, I were so happy that I have found RMI and started a journey with God