Working towards a purpose

“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have remained faithful.” Today, I was reminded of this verse and how the goal was to finish the race. Last week I saw that I was only a few courses away from going over from Resident to Minister and I was so excited to finish my courses that I asked my Husband why am I so excited, it is not that anything will change, I will still encourage other women either way and He reminded me of this verse.

Working towards a goal is such a good thing to have and I want to encourage each of you to come here to IOU and enroll, start your courses and ABOVE all, follow His lead. Don’t feel overwhelmed because you have too much to do, just ask Him, and Let Him lead you.

⭐wLL3 “He Leads Me” Podcast⭐

Keep this lesson in your favourites, because it will be one that you will keep coming back to.

1 thought on “Working towards a purpose”

  1. How exciting, Yvonne!! I can’t wait for you and so many of our MTR who are so close to finishingβ€”it’s lonely at the top haha.

    Funny it took me 33 YEARS what it took you a third of the time to complete!!

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