SMM: Sharing the Daily Promise Video on FB

After you've let go and fasted Facebook (and other social media), it is time to reemerge and use your new BNN Social Media accounts to become a Bridge BuildersΒ andΒ gain a following for Him!

"GO into all the 🌎 world and share theΒ Good NewsΒ to the whole creation.”

Hello dear πŸŽ“ Students,

In this video I would like to show you how to share the Daily Promise videos that get published on the different language Encouraging Women Telegram Channels to your BNN Facebook Account (or other BNN Social Media Accounts).

Facebook: Your BNN Facebook, like YouTube, should be used to draw the attention of those who are looking forΒ HOPE at Last.COMΒ andΒ LOVE at Last.ORG, thusΒ Building a BridgeΒ allowing women the opportunity to go to theΒ Source. To read more, please go to Your Social Media Ministry – Facebook


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