Welcome our New MTA Valeria 🇪🇸

Dear Valeria, thank you for filling out the application and https://rmiou.com/htgs/ and welcome to RMIOU!! We are excited to have you here!

Thank you, Valeria, for following your Husband's lead and having the heart to study towards becoming an:

💔Marriage Minister

We look forward to seeing you MINISTERING on Elanimador.com with your comments to posts.

💗Much Love💗


BNN Name and Surname
Valeria Davison
I am:
What country are you from
What languages do you speak?
Do you hold any academic qualifications?
Yes, I hold an academic qualification.
Please give a brief description:
Tengo un título académico de Educación Especial.
Are you currently working outside the house?
Yes, I work for a living.
Please give a brief description of your current occupation.
Trabajo fuera de casa en un Ambulatorio en el area de farmacia
Which Field of Training do you feel called to study?
Marriage Minister
Which of these courses have you COMPLETED with JOURNALS
How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage
A Wise Woman
Be Encouraged CLASSICS
HomeSchooling for Him
Finding the Abundant Life
Living the Abundant Life
Have you completed a Marriage Encouragement Questionnaire?
What was the approximate month and YEAR you first found our ministry?
Please share your heart with us about what RMI and/or Encouraging Women has done and meant to you AND why you feel called to enroll at RMIOU:
Este Ministerio me ayudado a conocer a Jesús y ha sido de mucha ayuda para mi vida ha sido un VR personal que solo Él me ha cambiado, que solo con su ayuda ha hecho cosas grandes en mí y mi familia quiero aprender más de EL y encontrarlo como mi todo. El me enseño como dice en su palabra me ha corregido y ha sido a través de los cursos que me ha confrontado toda la gloria ha sido para El por su amor y paciencia conmigo gracias RMI y gracias Erink por ser pionera de este Ministerio y dejarte usar por el Espíritu Santo para ser ayuda para muchas en sus VR
BNN Name and Surname
Valeria Davison
I am:
What country are you from
What languages do you speak?
Do you hold any academic qualifications?
Yes, I hold an academic qualification.
Please give a brief description:
I have an academic degree in Special Education.
Are you currently working outside the house?
Yes, I work for a living.
Please give a brief description of your current occupation.
I work outside the home in an Outpatient Clinic in the pharmacy area
Which Field of Training do you feel called to study?
Marriage Minister
Which of these courses have you COMPLETED with JOURNALS
How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage
A Wise Woman
Be Encouraged CLASSICS
HomeSchooling for Him
Finding the Abundant Life
Living the Abundant Life
Have you completed a Marriage Encouragement Questionnaire?
What was the approximate month and YEAR you first found our ministry?
Please share your heart with us about what RMI and/or Encouraging Women has done and meant to you AND why you feel called to enroll at RMIOU:
This Ministry helped me to know the Lord and it has been very helpful for my life. It has been a personal RJ that only He has changed me, that only with His help has He done great things for me and my family. I want to learn more about HIM and find Him. like my everything. He taught me as he says in his word, he has corrected me and it has been through the courses that he has confronted me, all the glory has been for him for his love and patience with me, thank you RMI and thank you Erin for being a pioneer of this Ministry and letting you use by the Holy Spirit to be help to many in their RJ.


Please welcome Valeria with a promise from Him. Here's mine:

"Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him, and he will act." Psalm 37:5

7 thoughts on “Welcome our New MTA Valeria 🇪🇸”

  1. Welcome dear Valéria!🌼
    Here is a promise from Him to you:
    “For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11
    ¡Bienvenida querida Valéria!🌼
    Aquí hay una promesa de Él para usted:
    “Porque yo sé los planes que tengo para vosotros”, dice el Señor, “planes para prosperaros y no para haceros daño, planes para daros esperanza y un futuro”. Jeremías 29:11

  2. Bem vinda Valéria .
    Que nosso Senhor a conduza por verdes pastos.
    Sua promessa
    »O Senhor é o meu Pastor, por isso, nada me faltará. Faz-me descansar em verdes pastagens; guia-me calmamente a ribeiros tranquilos.«
    ‭‭Salmos‬ ‭23‬:‭1‬-‭2‬ ‭OL‬‬

  3. Bienvenida Valeria 🥳
    2 Crónicas 15:7
    Reina-Valera 1960
    7 Pero esforzaos vosotros, y no desfallezcan vuestras manos, pues hay recompensa para vuestra obra.

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