Welcome our New MTA Elisabete 🇧🇷 

Dear Elisabete, thank you for filling out the IOU: 🎓 QuickStart Enrollment  and welcome to RMIOU!! We are excited to have you here!

Thank you, Elisabete, for following your Husband's lead and having the heart to study towards becoming an:

💔 Marriage Minister

I will soon share your portfolio with you that you will use as your office and to keep record of your courses completed, please check your inbox for the link.

You will also be added to our Student 🎓 Body page and Telegram Student Groups.

Last but not least, we look forward to seeing you MINISTERING on Encorajamento.com with your comments to posts.

💗Much Love💗



BNN Name and Surname
Elisabete Luz
What country are you from
What languages do you speak?
Do you hold any academic qualifications?
Yes, I hold an academic qualification.
Please give a brief description:
Minha Formação Acadêmica é em Pedagogia e Ciências Naturais.
Are you currently working outside the house?
Yes, I work for a living.
Please give a brief description of your current occupation.
Sou professora no município onde moro.
Which Field of Training do you feel called to study?
Marriage Minister
Which of these courses have you COMPLETED with JOURNALS
How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage

A Wise Woman


Have you completed a Marriage Encouragement Questionnaire?
What was the approximate month and YEAR you first found our ministry?
Please share your heart with us about what RMI and/or Encouraging Women has done and meant to you AND why you feel called to enroll at RMIOU:
O RMI foi um canal de bençãos do meu amado Marido Celestial. Quando cheguei aqui está em total escuridão e destruição e foi como um bálsamo para as minhas feridas, a medida que fui me alimentando Ele foi me curando das mais profundas dores físicas, mentais e espirituais. Aqui conheci os principais quem tem me levando a percorrer essa jornada com mais leveza, agarradinha em Seus braços de amor

Me sinto chamada a me inscrever ao RMIOU para levar a esperança finalmente a cada mulher que assim como eu encontrei, necessitam encontrar o verdadeiro amor das suas vidas


RMI was a channel of blessings from my beloved Heavenly Husband. When I arrived here, it was in total darkness and destruction and it was like a balm for my wounds, as I was nourished, He was healing me from the deepest physical, mental and spiritual pains. Here I met the main people who have helped me to walk this journey with more ease, holding on to His loving arms.

I feel called to sign up for RMIOU to finally bring hope to every woman who, like me, needs to find the true love of their lives.

Protection & Prosperity
I am an RMI Investment Partner

TO our Student 🎓 Body:

Please welcome Elisabete with a promise from Him. Here's mine:

"You did not choose Me but I chose you, and appointed you that you would go and bear fruit, and that your fruit would remain, so that whatever you ask of the Father in My name He may give to you." John 15:16

10 thoughts on “Welcome our New MTA Elisabete 🇧🇷 ”

  1. Querida Elisabete, que alegria dar boas vindas a você aqui conosco.💓🥳 Eu sempre reforço do quanto somos privilegiadas por podermos aprender com Ele, e podermos viver a vida Abundante que Ele quer dar a tantas outras, e foi aqui que Ele nos guiou.
    Muito obrigada por seu compromisso e fidelidade e por se juntar ao time Português. Que o Senhor continue guiando seus passos amiga querida. 🫶
    Quero compartilhar essa promessa com você: “Dê aos outros e Deus também dará a você. Você receberá muito, uma quantia generosa que será colocada em suas mãos, mais do que você pode carregar. Pois a mesma medida que você usa com os outros, Deus usará com você.” Lucas 6:38
    Um beijo no seu coração🌷💕
    Dear Elisabete, what a joy it is to welcome you here with us.💓🥳 I always reinforce how privileged we are to be able to learn from Him, and to be able to live the Abundant life that He wants to give to so many others, and this is where He guided us .
    Thank you very much for your commitment and loyalty and for joining the Portuguese team. May the Lord continue to guide your steps, dear friend. 🫶
    I want to share this promise with you: “Give to others and God will also give to you. You will receive a lot, a generous amount that will be placed in your hands, more than you can carry. For the same measure that you use with others, God will use with you.” Luke 6:38
    A kiss in your heart🌷💕

  2. Dear Elisabete,
    Welcome! I am grateful that He led you to become a student. It is so beautiful to teach other women that they can only find healing in Him.
    Many blessings!

    I therefore, the prisoner in the Lord, beseech you to walk worthily of the calling wherewith ye were called, 2with all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love; https://www.bible.com/bible/12/EPH.4.ASV

  3. 2 Chronicles 16:9 NASB
    [9] For the eyes of the Lord run through the whole earth to strengthen those whose hearts are completely His.
    Welcome Elisabete. May the Lord bathe you in wisdom so that the love you have received from Him may be brought to so many who like us come looking for hope.

  4. Bienvenue Elizabeth dans cette nouvelle aventure avec notre epoux.

    Que notre Seigneur vous fortifie pendant ce voyage.

    Soyez benis

  5. Welcome dear Elisabete He also lightup my life when I found this ministry and has been sharing His goodness in my life and I am glad that you will also share His goodness in your as you encourage others to come Him, you are a blessing.
    Deuteronomy 16:17
    ” All must give as they are able, according to the blessings given to them by the Lord your God. ”

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