Welcome our New MTA Ednah 🇫🇷

Ednah Imane

Dear Ednah, thank you for filling out the IOU: 🎓 QuickStart Enrollment  and welcome to RMIOU!! We are excited to have you here!

Thank you, Ednah, for following your Husband's lead and having the heart to study towards becoming an:

💗 Abundant Life Coach

I will soon share your portfolio with you that you will use as your office and to keep record of your courses completed, please check your inbox for the link.

You will also be added to our Student 🎓 Body page and Telegram Student Groups.

Last but not least, we look forward to seeing you MINISTERING on AideMaritale.com with your comments to posts.

💗Much Love💗



BNN Name and Surname
Edna Imane
I am:
What country are you from
What languages do you speak?
When is your bithday?
Do you hold any academic qualifications?
No, I haven't obtained any academic qualifications.
Are you currently working outside the house?
Yes, I work for a living.
Please give a brief description of your current occupation.
J'ai obtenu mon bac de comptabilité et gestion, et je suis gestionnaire financière à l'université de Toulouse

I obtained my baccalaureate in accounting and management, and I am a financial manager at the University of Toulouse

Which Field of Training do you feel called to study?
Abundant Life Coach
Which of these courses have you COMPLETED with JOURNALS
How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage

A Wise Woman

My Beloved


Be Encouraged CLASSICS

Be Encouraged

Finding the Abundant Life

Living the Abundant Life

Living Lessons 1-33

Poverty Mentality

He Healed Me

Have you completed a Marriage Encouragement Questionnaire?
What was the approximate month and YEAR you first found our ministry?
Please share your heart with us about what RMI and/or Encouraging Women has done and meant to you AND why you feel called to enroll at RMIOU:
Un soir ou j'ai crié à Dieu pour savoir s'Il voulait que je divorce de mon MT, et j'ai tapé sur mon téléphone : mariage restauré et j'ai trouvé votre site. Le livre "Comment Dieu peut et restaurera votre mariage". Ce livre m'a révélé qui j'étais vraiment, et j'ai compris quel genre de femme j'étais devenu à quel point j'avais tort et j'en ai eu honte. J'ai acheté vos livres pour mieux comprendre et mettre en pratique les principes des livres, j'ai retrouvé ma relation perdue avec mon Bien-aimé. Il m'a appris à garder le silence, chercher de l'aide qu'auprès de Lui, à ne plus douter, il a restauré ma relation avec mes enfants, ma famille. Il m'a aidé à me réconcilier avec des personnes que j'avais offensé, IL m'a aidé à pardonner... Vos livres m'ont ramenés à LUI mais je n'arrivais pas à lâcher prise. J'ai vu les miracles de Dieu dans ma vie, les changements qu'Il a fait en moi et avec mes enfants. A la fin du printemps, l'AF a quitté mon ex-mari, j'étais confiante mais rien ne s'est passé comme je l'espérais et ils ont fini par se marier.

Le Seigneur m'a montré que j'adorais mon ex-mari et mon mariage terminé plus que Lui. Quelle tristesse ce fût pour moi, je reconnais que je m'étais relâché dans mes cours voilà pourquoi Je ne veux plus penser à moi-même ni à ma situation.

Mon Seigneur est devenu le premier, le centre de ma vie et c'est Lui que je veux suivre. Il est le seul qui soit fidèle et à qui je fais confiance. Alors je veux m'impliquer d'une manière où d'une autre pour Lui. J'ai lu vos livres mais je n'ai pas tenu de journal régulier sur le site cependant j'ai tout consigné dans des journaux papiers. Dieu m'a béni abondamment financièrement il y a quelque mois, j'ai plus de possibilité maintenant pour partager vos livres avec mes amies, les personnes qu'Il met sur mon chemin et distribuer les cartes d'espoir, je le laisse me guider.

Il y a quelques jours Il m'a posé sur le site RMIOU et nous avons pris le temps de le parcourir, nous avons pris la décision de poursuivre ce voyage simplement calmement et ensemble avec cette nouvelle espérance qu'Il a tout sous contrôle.

Les cours Reconstruire, Wise Woman, je viens de finir Mentalité de pauvreté mais celui qui m'a le aidé et Comment Dieu peut et restaurera votre mariage.


One night when I cried out to God to know if He wanted me to divorce my spouse, and I typed on my phone: marriage restored and I found your site. The book "How God can and will restore your marriage". This book revealed to me who I really was, and I understood what kind of woman I had become how wrong I was and I was ashamed of it. I bought your books to better understand and put into practice the principles of the books, I found my lost relationship with my Beloved. He taught me to remain silent, to seek help only from Him, to no longer doubt, he restored my relationship with my children, my family. He helped me to reconcile with people I had offended, HE helped me to forgive ... Your books brought me back to HIM but I could not let go. I have seen the miracles of God in my life, the changes He has made in me and with my children. At the end of spring, the other woman left my ex-husband, I was confident but nothing happened as I hoped and they ended up getting married.

The Lord showed me that I loved my ex-husband and my marriage ended more than Him. How sad it was for me, I recognize that I had slacked off in my lessons that is why I no longer want to think about myself or my situation.

My Lord has become the first, the center of my life and it is Him that I want to follow. He is the only one who is faithful and in whom I trust. So I want to get involved in one way or another for Him. I have read your books but I have not kept a regular journal on the site however I have recorded everything in paper journals. God blessed me abundantly financially a few months ago, I have more opportunity now to share your books with my friends, the people He puts on my path and distribute the cards of hope, I let Him guide me.

A few days ago He put me on the RMIOU site and we took the time to browse it, we made the decision to continue this journey simply calmly and together with this new hope that He has everything under control.

The courses Rebuild, Wise Woman, I just finished Poverty Mentality but the one who helped me and How God can and will restore your marriage.

Protection & Prosperity
I tithe to RMI my Storehouse

TO our Student 🎓 Body:

Please welcome Ednah with a promise from Him. Here's mine:

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” Deuteronomy 31:6

Fortifiez-vous et ayez du courage! Ne craignez point et ne soyez point effrayés devant eux; car l'Éternel, ton Dieu, marchera lui-même avec toi, il ne te délaissera point, il ne t'abandonnera point. Deutéronome 31:6

4 thoughts on “Welcome our New MTA Ednah 🇫🇷”

  1. Chère Adina,
    Ce fut un long chemin pour arriver à Rmiou. Mon Bien-Aimé a pavé la route pour que je puisse enfin y arriver. Merci pour vos messages de bienvenue et enfin je ne suis plus seule à faire ce voyage, Il marche à mes côtés.

    Dear Adina,
    It was a long way to get to Rmiou. My Beloved paved the way for me to finally get there. Thank you for your welcome messages and finally I am no longer alone in making this trip, He walks by my side.

    1. Dear Ednah, it is amazing to know our Beloved Lord is always by our side and will never leave us or forsake us, no matter what we go through! I am so happy to have you here at RMIOU!

      Chère Ednah, c’est incroyable de savoir que notre Seigneur bien-aimé est toujours à nos côtés et ne nous quittera jamais ou ne nous abandonnera jamais, peu importe ce que nous traversons ! Je suis tellement heureuse de vous avoir ici à RMIOU !

  2. Welcome, dear Ednah! 🌼
    I believe that coming to the ministry, as it was for me, is a turning point for you too!!!🌹
    A promise from Him to you, my dear:
    “Trust in the LORD and seek to do good; then you will live in peace and be secure in your place. Make the LORD your greatest joy, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Leave everything in the hands of the LORD, whatever you do. Trust in him with all your heart, and he will do what is necessary.” Psalm 37:3-5

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