Welcome our New MTA Akira 🇧🇷 

Akira Vitória MTA

Dear Akira, thank you for filling out the IOU: 🎓 QuickStart Enrollment  and welcome to RMIOU!! We are excited to have you here!

Thank you, Akira, for following your Beloved Lord's lead and having the heart to study towards becoming an:

💔Marriage Minister

💗 Abundant Life Coach

🪴Abundant Life Coach

I will soon share your portfolio with you that you will use as your office and to keep record of your courses completed, please check your inbox for the link.

You will also be added to our Student 🎓 Body page and Telegram Student Groups.

Last but not least, we look forward to seeing you MINISTERING on Encorajamento.com with your comments to posts.

💗Much Love💗



BNN Name and Surname
Akira Vitória
I am:
What country are you from
What languages do you speak?
Do you hold any academic qualifications?
Yes, I hold an academic qualification.
Please give a brief description:
Sou graduada em Serviço Social

I have a degree in Social Work

Are you currently working outside the house?
No, I do not have a job at this time.
Marital Status:
Tell us more about your home life:
Estou divorciada do meu ex-marido. E a minha jornada de Restauração começou há mais de 6 anos.

I am divorced from my ex-husband. And my Restoration journey began more than 6 years ago.

Which Field of Training do you feel called to study?
Abundant Life Coach

Marriage Minister

HomeGrown Coach

Which of these courses have you COMPLETED with JOURNALS
Be Encouraged
What was the approximate month and YEAR you first found our ministry?
Please share your heart with us about what RMI and/or Encouraging Women has done and meant to you AND why you feel called to enroll at RMIOU:
O RMI me ajudou a superar a dor da traição. Me mostrou que existe vida além do divórcio. Me ensinou que eu sou amada, querida e desejada pelo meu Deus. Quero ser aluna do RMIOU, me preparar e capacitar para encorajar outras mulheres.

RMI helped me overcome the pain of betrayal. It showed me that there is life beyond divorce. It taught me that I am loved, cherished and desired by my God. I want to be a student at RMIOU, prepare and train myself to encourage other women.

TO our Student 🎓 Body:

Please welcome Akira with a promise from Him. Here's mine:

The steps of a man are established by the Lord, And He delights in his way. When he falls, he will not be hurled headlong, Because the Lord is the One who holds his hand.Psalm 37:23-24

"Senhor dirige os passos do justo; ele se agrada de quem anda em seu caminho. Ainda que tropece, não cairá, pois o Senhor o segura pela mão." Salmos 37:23-24

2 thoughts on “Welcome our New MTA Akira 🇧🇷 ”

  1. Querida Akira, que alegria receber você aqui conosco.💓
    Muito obrigada por se juntar a nós. Que o Senhor continue a guiar seus passos, minha querida. 🫶
    Quero compartilhar esta promessa com você: “Dê aos outros e Deus lhe dará em troca. Você receberá muito, uma quantia generosa que será colocada em suas mãos, mais do que você pode carregar. Pois com a mesma medida que você usar para os outros, Deus usará para você.” Lucas 6:38
    Muito amor para você🌷💕
    Dear Akira, what a joy it is to welcome you here with us. 💓
    Thank you so much for joining us. May the Lord continue to guide your steps, my dear. 🫶
    I want to share this promise with you: “Give to others and God will give to you in return. You will receive much, a generous amount that will be placed in your hands, more than you can carry. For with the same measure you use, God will use it back to you.” Luke 6:38
    Much love to you🌷💕

  2. So then, brethren (dear Akira), stand firm and hold to the traditions which you were taught, whether by word of mouth or by letter from us.Now may our Lord Jesus Christ Himself and God our Father, who has loved us and given us eternal comfort and good hope by grace, comfort and strengthen your hearts in every good work and word. 2 Thessalonians 2: 15-17

    Welcome! I am grateful that our Beloved Man has guided you to encourage other women! He will also help you learn how to encourage other women with the principles you have learned here! Many blessings dear Akira!

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