MM: “You did it to me”

"Like apples of gold in settings of silver, Is a word spoken at the proper time". Proverbs 25:11

Since yesterday I have been very sad and especially sorry for a carelessness of mine that caused harm to a dear member of my ministry. I want to confess my sin and weakness and ask you with all my heart to pray for me for healing. My Beloved led me to check the RMIOU student team yesterday, I noticed that there are two ladies that I had not read anything from for the last month, one of them is Alissa, from whom I had received a message on WhatsApp months ago, the message was seen but I did not respond to it, apparently, I forgot to mark it as pending as I usually do while I seek God to know what HE wants me to say (sometimes I just don’t know what to say and I feel like I’m not listening to Him) and especially because I choose to pass the messages to El Animador first, to minister from there and not from WhatsApp, unfortunately, I never responded, maybe something happened, I got distracted and forgot, I don’t know. Reviewing the dates I could see that since I did not give her an answer she stopped participating in the ministry, which made me realize my mistake in leaving her alone being a sheep that needed special care.

When I read today's devotional from Springs in the Desert: I feel very sad for my carelessness, I failed my Husband, RMI, and this lady who needed encouragement. I often don't know what to say, only HE knows, but even so what I learned is that I must GIVE whatever I can give at that moment: “Give what you have, maybe it will be better for someone than you can imagine.”

With this mistake I also noticed that no one else noticed her absence, I realized that we need to be more united and offer the ladies a church relationship since He reminds me that “it is not good for man to be alone” We were all created for fellowship with Him and with others to share His love. Also while I was confessing my absence to my Beloved He reminded me:

"For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in; naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick, and you visited Me; I was in prison, and you came to Me.’ Then the righteous will answer Him, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry, and feed You, or thirsty, and give You something to drink? And when did we see You as a stranger, and invite You in, or naked, and clothe You? And when did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?’ And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it for one of the least of these brothers or sisters of Mine, you did it for Me.’ Matthew 25:35-40

I understand, with Him we are complete because He is who satisfies us. We are His body on earth to give water to the thirsty, feed the hungry, visit those in jail, pray for the sick, and hug the dejected... then I feel that we are called to take these ladies by the hand and offer them something more like His church, His Bride, His body (arms and hands-on earth).

Today I felt led to begin this type of fellowship with the ladies of the RMIOU reading groups, so we all shared our testimony of our journey with our Beloved and how we met Him, it was very special for all of us, we put a face to the written testimony and began to become friends and blood sisters in Christ. When we become friends we create a bond and so we do not forget people easily as it happened to me with Alissa. I am very sorry, but now I cry out to the Lord for a double portion for my mistake.

"Instead of your shame you will have a double portion, And instead of humiliation they will shout for joy over their portion. Therefore they will possess a double portion in their land, Everlasting joy will be theirs. For I, the Lord, love justice, I hate robbery in the burnt offering; And I will faithfully give them their reward, And make an everlasting covenant with them" Isaiah 61:7-8

16 thoughts on “MM: “You did it to me””

  1. Estoy de acuerdo contigo Anastasia al estar cercanas y crear un vínculo en el Señor nos hace recordarnos unas de otras así sentimos la ausencia y nos hace preocuparnos cuando no leemos o se ausentan del ministerio. sé que debemos dejar ir pero si se crea ese vínculo de Hermanas en Cristo.
    Me ha pasado con Danais y Mira!

    1. Gracias Esperanza 💖. Me alegra que menciones a Danais ya que la he extrañado en nuestros grupos, espero que le envies saludos 🙂

  2. My dear Anastasia, I raise my prayer for you and your beautiful heart, may God the Father and our lover wrap it in his perfect love. You did not act in wickedness, but in carelessness, and it can happen to any of us, (I include myself because I am one of those who must be alarmed for everything) so I also declare this weakness in me. I would not have a way to throw a stone at such carelessness ever.

    The scripture that comes to my mind is: “Now we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”
    Romans 8:28 NIV And this scripture is not only for you, but for our dear Alissa too, because she has been chosen, set apart as his beloved bride, growing more and more intimacy with her lover. He has a purpose in her life and he will do it.
    I trust that she continues to feed on what she learned here in this ministry and according to His perfect will He will attract her again with bonds of love as He once did with me.
    I choose to believe that the confusion caused by a mistake will be used for the good of many.
    Our beloved can make something beautiful, good and perfect come out of our mistakes or evils. And I believe that what He guides you to do in the group this week is part of this same thing.

    I send you a hug from a distance, I am sure that this “carelessness” was allowed for something and it is for good, not for evil.

    1. Te respondo con un abrazo a este mensaje tan alentador Kathleen, que Dios te bendiga grandemente. Estoy convencida de que si está obrando para bien y que el Señor completará Su obra en Alissa como en mí 🙂 PRecisamente por causa de ello EL me llevo a hacer algunos ajustes en los grupos 🙌

  3. gracias Anastasia por compartir y como nos dice Kathleen en el señor todo obra para bien.
    Él conoce nuestro corazón y aunque eso no nos justifica, pero sii él se da cuenta que no actuamos por maldad.y hoy al leer esto recuerdo que días pasados estaba pensando en esto mismo.
    Todo lo que nos pasa es para bien 🤗

  4. 1 Corintios 12:18 NTV
    [18] Pero nuestro cuerpo tiene muchas partes, y Dios ha puesto cada parte justo donde él quiere.

    Al meditar en tu sentimiento respecto al cuidado de las ovejas, Él me ha llevado a leer 1 de Corintios 12. Mi Amado es tan oportuno bb. Es Él colocandonos dónde Él quiere.
    Pero además, Él ‘arregla’ el cuerpo para que reciban más honor ❤️ y creo que quiere que pongamos nuestras atención como un solo cuerpo en el Señor para que no haya desunión, sino preocupación, interés entre nosotras.

    1 Corintios 12:24-25 DHH94I
    [24] lo cual no es necesario hacer con los miembros más presentables. Dios arregló el cuerpo de tal manera que los miembros menos estimados reciban más honor, [25] para que no haya desunión en el cuerpo, sino que cada miembro del cuerpo se preocupe por los otros.

    Es tu Amado cuidando de Su iglesia, de Su novia.

    1 Corintios 12:26 DHH94I
    [26] Si un miembro del cuerpo sufre, todos los demás sufren también; y si un miembro recibe atención especial, todos los demás comparten su alegría.

    A veces como miembros, no nos damos cuenta de la lucha, el trabajo, el dolor detrás de las ministras. Esto también es un llamado de atención para nosotras… Mira como necesitamos “recibir atención especial” para compartir alegrías… Cada una dentro del rol y función especial que Él nos ha llamado a cumplir a fin de fortalecernos como Su cuerpo.

    Coincido con Esperanza. A veces seguimos o nos conectamos con alguna publicación de una novia y luego perdemos el rastro. Le he preguntado a Mi Amado ¿qué viene? ¿Será esto una siembra o una cosecha? Y me alegro mucho de que Él tenga sus Manos puestas en este asunto por amor y misericordia para con nosotras.

    1. Wow! Esos versiculos me han iluminado el entendimeinto hoy, y me confirma que son justo esos miembros menos visibles los que mas atención requieren, confio en que mi Amado nos ayudará a llevar esto a cabo para poner especial atención a las damas mas nuevas. Gracias por escuchar al Señor para responder con este aliento tan precioso. 💖🥰

  5. I agree with you Anastasia, we must use the small groups to stay connected to each one of our precious students and have fellowships as a student group, even if it is just once a month.

    1. I am happy that our Beloved does not waste anything and uses everything for good. All praise to HIM!!

  6. Preciosa Anastasia, te entiendo tanto! También he cometido ese error en muchas otras áreas, a causa del olvido, y en ocasiones la he pasado un poco mal…
    A causa de eso, he tenido que pedirle a Mi Amado, que por favor no me deje olvidar de los pendientes que tenga 😅 jeje… Y vaya que sí me ayuda! Siempre fiel!🥰
    Al igual que Esperanza, también he notado ciertas ausencias, porque como dice, se crea ese vínculo entre nosotras gracias a Nuestro Amado.
    Esperemos, con el favor de Dios, que cada una de ellas estén siendo sostenidas con Su Amor.

    También me pongo de acuerdo en elevar una oración por la sanidad de tu corazón, sabiendo que eres de gran estima para Tu Amado Esposo Celestial y que Él derramará de Su Amor Abundante para aliviar tu dolor.

    Y coincido con nuestra linda Kathleen, en que todo obra para bien, y ya ha comenzado… Nuestro Amado no se queda con nada, y sin duda, ama bendecirnos!💖

    Un abrazo a todas!🌷
    Precious Anastasia, I understand you so much! He also committed this error in many other areas, the cause of it being forgotten, and on occasions he spent a little badly…
    Because of this, I have to ask My Beloved, that please don’t let me forget the things I have 😅 jeje… And come on, just help me! Always faithful!
    Just like Esperanza, I also noticed certain absences, because as a matter of fact, this bond is created between us thanks to Our Beloved.
    Let us hope, with the favor of God, that each one of them is supporting His Love.

    I also agree to raise a prayer for the health of your heart, knowing that you are of great esteem to Your Beloved Heavenly Spouse and that He will pour out His Abundant Love to alleviate your pain.

    And it coincides with our beautiful Kathleen, in which all work is done for good, and it has begun… Our beloved does not fall into anything, and without a doubt, he loves us!💖

    A hug to all!🌷

    1. Gracias querida Camila por tu hermoso comentario y especialmente por tus oraciones. 💖
      Thank you dear Camila for your beautiful comment and especially for your prayers. 💖

  7. I am happy that He showed you and the rest of us how to do better from the first mistake of not following up He led to a closer relationship in our fellowships and all will work for good because we are putting it in His hands, He will amaze us with more blessings.

    1. Amen, I do believe so Jewel! I am excited now thinking about how this is going to work for the benefit of His brides.

  8. Let’s view this mistake as an opportunity for growth and turn it into something positive. Ask Him to help us create a supportive, encouraging, and accountable community of brides by reminding one another to show love and not neglect our gatherings. Apologize to her, seek forgiveness, and ask for His guidance on how to use this experience for good. I hope you gave it to your Beloved quickly and your heart wasn’t heavy for long. 💕 *Hugs

    1. Thank you dear Hope, I am now excited about the good that will come from this, I have already given up my burden and guilt and feel free to embrace the double portion 🙂

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