From an A Wiser Woman

From Erin (author of Restore Your Marriage and most of the other books available in Encouraging Bookstore):

"When my fourth child was born, I was in my early thirties. This was my first of 3 daughters. Daughters who would forever change my life because I knew that someday, my daughters would look to me and emulate me as each grew to womanhood. I knew I needed help. When I discovered the passage in about the ā€œolder women teaching the younger women,ā€ I went to my pastor and asked him where I might find an ā€œolder womanā€ to teach me. His reply was simply, ā€œI donā€™t know.ā€ If a woman came to your pastor today and asked the same question, what would be his response?

Unfortunately, most young women do not even know that the Bible tells them where they are to get help, and even if they did, would they find you? It has been in my heart since the day my house fell (when my daughter was just two years old) to be an older woman who helps younger women prevent their houses from falling. I made so many mistakes that could have been avoided had I just had a Godly woman willing to show me what the Bible said and to love me enough to tell me when I was making a fatal mistake, as with my contentiousness, which resulted in my marriage being destroyed.

To complicate matters, most young women do not want to listen to anyone about anything in today's world. They seek out ā€œexpertsā€ in child-training rather than the woman who has well-behaved children. They listen to talk shows to get marriage ā€œadviceā€ from other foolish, arrogant women in the world, and then they follow that fatal advice with their husbands.

I believe that sharing or studying this book, A Wise Woman: A Wise Woman Builds Her House By a FOOL Who First Built on Sinking Sand, is just one of the ways that the Lord has given me ā€œthe desires of my heart.ā€ My ministry, for the most part, was spent helping desperate women who had just found out that their husband had been sleeping with their best friend, had moved in with her, or had just filed for a divorce.

Then, in 2022, He led me to turn my focus to ministering to your girls, "His Princesses," and your boys, too. But first, He led me to establish RMIOU and select a minister to focus on training new ministers because I believe that every Believer should have their own ministry!

Years before my ministry began, I watched GOD restore my parent's marriage but didn't knowā€”never dreamedā€”He would call me to give hope to women who wanted to restore their own marriages, beginning with mine. God called all of us toā€”"The Ministry of Reconciliationā€ for women. Will you take the first step and enroll?

ā€œNow all these things are from God,
who reconciled us to Himself through Christ,
and gave US the ministry of reconciliation...ā€
2 Corinthians 5:18

Even though for decades, God's used me and my ministry to help women find Hope and show how to get their marriage out of crisis (the same way He showed me that's documented in the Restore Your Marriage book). For years, my heart has desired to be able to somehow prevent the pain and heartache that I had to endure watching my own parents separate and then later when my husband abandoned me with four small children while visiting my parents (disappearing after he'd cleared out our entire home; not knowing where he was for an entire summer until an SOS call to a former colleague that his 2-year-old daughter was having surgery caused him to resurface).

Rather than waiting for any marriage problem to arise, I pray that God will send MORE women to start ministries of their own devoted to preventing marriages from falling into the same marriage crisis most of us have faced or encouraging couples who are in marriage crisisā€”understanding we've all been given the Ministry of Reconciliation.

As an ā€œolder womanā€ (whether in age or spiritually) you can simply invite women to study A Wise Woman along with you, and use the hundreds of restored marriage testimonies of women who shared what brought them to RMI and what caused their lives to fall apartā€”primarily due to tearing their own homes down with their own hands.


Most groups are born when just two like-minded friends get together. This was true when Erin and her friend Sue became ePartners and together they went through all the Bible verses and how they related to their fallen marriagesā€”which then became the workbook A Wise Woman.Ā 

Almost immediately, they each ran into other women who benefitted from the information, and more women began meeting with them. Their group grew by word of mouth, and the fruits, as you already know, turned out to be incredible! RMI was started.

Godā€™s way of starting a ministry does not happen by forming a board of directors or a vote or even through a college course or getting a degree. We've discovered His way begins with women, like you and maybe a friend (you don't even know), who have a passion to help other women.

By simply starting a Facebook page and posting chapters of A Wise Woman along with selecting from hundreds of Testimonies, you will discover that you are offering real truthā€”much different from anything women have ever read or heard. Its message might prove difficult to accept for many, but the women who are hungry for truth will soon discover a ā€œpeaceā€ that settles over them. They are forever changed by the powerĀ of GodĀ and through living the principlesĀ andĀ promisesĀ of His Word.

Has God placed a burden in your heart for the women in your life, church, and community to help prevent a crisis from destroying another family?

If so, then I would urge you to begin asking Him about enrolling to learn how to do this online. Or simply opening your home (or a friend who would host the get-together) in order to encourage women whom the Lord will send you. By simply opening your home (or meeting in your friendā€™s home once a week), you are about to begin changing the world around you. This is just the first step in your ministry to reach women with the Good News and to heal the broken-hearted.

Will you fulfill the call that the Lord has on your life?

Is Your Life the Dead Sea?

Linda in Washington wrote to Restoration Fellowship:
The message you wrote about the Dead Sea, Erin, was what I needed to hear because thatā€™s exactly what has happened to me!!! I was taking all this spiritual food in and not letting any out. Just the other day I was asking the Lord why I felt so dry and I how much wanted my zeal back and you sent me the answer.
Just since I have started sowing hope cards again and sowing hope on the internet... I am finally starting to feel alive again! Itā€™s kinda hard to explain but I'm actually feeling pretty good, even though I still have some health issues after my cancer. But, like you, I am believing God for total healing and thatā€™s why Iā€™ve been praying for your Healing as well.
I am writing for a few other reasons. First of all I am so excited to be back on board but I really don't feel the least bit qualified. My strong points are definitely not writing or being on the computer lol. I'm sure you know by now, that I am short and keep it to the point kinda person. I have been praying about all this and I heard Him ā€Keep it simple and take one step at a time.ā€ I know it is a huge responsibility to minister to other people and I want to remain accountable to you and the ministry.
And just so you know, though you told me about how the new Plan God gave you will begin to increase my income, even substantially as a minister, I am not the least bit worried about my incomeā€”He is providing for me in amazing ways, which I will be submitting a praise report soon to share it with you.
Could you please send me a link to the Hope Cards? Next week I will be able to purchase the five books to sow into my community!
Love and hugs,
Linda did, in fact, keep her word to order 5 RYM paperback books to sow into her community. In fact, our partners DOUBLED her first order, then tripled it since we all agreed this was good soil to sow into! (Linda has been a tithing partner for so many years!)
"And the one on whom seed was sown on the good soil, this is the man who hears the word and understands it; who indeed bears fruit and brings forth, some a hundredfold, some sixty, and some thirty"ā€”Matthew 13:23
ā€Ø"And others fell on the good soil and *yielded a crop, some a hundredfold, some sixty, and some thirty"ā€”Matthew 13:8
"Other seeds fell into the good soil, and as they grew up and increased, they yielded a crop and produced thirty, sixty, and a hundredfold"ā€”Mark 4:8
"And those are the ones on whom seed was sown on the good soil; and they hear the word and accept it and bear fruit, thirty, sixty, and a hundredfold"ā€”Mark 4:20
Though I am just speculating, I believe that not only will she be sowing these paperbacks into libraries, but God will give us the wisdom to find a way to locate women within several churches in her community who are desperate for the truth regarding her crumbling marriage. But for now, Linda has been sowing daily online on websites where women post prayer and has been sending them to
If you hear of anyone who is in a marriage crisis, man or woman, do you know how to help them? Nothing could be simpler than sharing our with them and then the LORD will take it from there.
Let it Flow
Rather than worry about becoming the Dead Sea, I have always been of the mindset to take the offensive, the preventative, and all while overcoming evil with good. Knowing everyone isnā€™t wired the same way, how can I share things that bring conviction and require action without giving you easy ways to Sow Hope and give you an outlet for everything youā€™re taking in?
The more you pour out, the more He will pour into you.
The more HOPE you pour out and into others, the more HOPE Heā€™ll fill you with.
The more ENCOURAGEMENT you pour out and into others, the more ENCOURAGEMENT Heā€™ll pour through you!
Stop withholding, hanging onto, and find freedom and joy and live life the way He intended it to be. Be someone who is known for being upbeat, enthusiastic, and full of energyā€”all because youā€™ve tapped into what will prove to be the secret to joy.
Yes, it means being a doer rather than a hearer.
Yes, it means thinking of others more than yourself.
Yes, it takes you out of your comfort zone, but unless youā€™re keen on being spit out of His mouth (you know how He hates the lukewarm: mixing cold & hot will do that), so that you force Him to allow another crisis to get your attentionā€”dear friendā€”itā€™s time to act.
.Becoming the Dead Sea
The principle of having an outlet for the spiritual nourishment you are being fed each day so that spiritually you don't end up as the Dead Sea means finding as many outlets to Encourage other women. Do you share what you learned with anyone? Do you have women meeting in your home? Maybe just one woman you are meeting with? Are you encouraging women at work with what you learn daily that is changing your life?

If not, the easiest (and maybe the most effective) is reaching out to women and taking advantage of social media.

Rather than becoming the Dead Sea, which is why the church is, for the most part, deadā€”not providing nourishment to the men and women that prevent divorce and all the other maladies that lead to families being destroyed. When there are only inlets and no outlets, a body of water will begin to die. Losing its life, such as vegetation and all other forms of life.

Everyone is called to minister since "ministering" simply means caring. Will you have a worldwide ministry? Quite possibly just by joining our Team. ALL of us are called to be ambassadors and Ministers of ReconciliationĀ giving us "The Ministry of Reconciliation."

Prevent becoming the Dead Seaā€”A Doer, not just a Hearer

"But prove yourselves doers of the word, and not merely hearers who delude themselves"ā€” James 1:22

"For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks at his natural face in a mirror, for once he has looked at himself and gone away, he has immediately forgotten what kind of person he really was"ā€”James 1:23-24

"But one who looks intently at the perfect law, the law of liberty, and abides by it, not having become a forgetful hearer but an effectual doer, this man will be blessed in what he does"ā€” James 1:25

An EASY Outlet

Most everyone total spends time on their computers, tablets or phones. Many park on social media and end their day by watching entertainment. But what if you could use your time on your device to help other women? What if instead of entertaining ourselves, we invested in our future that had the potential of changing the course of our lives?

With so much happening in our lives, itā€™s almost impossible to slow down long enough and tune out everything good enough, to really make our days, matter.

The only way to not just survive but to thrive is to move to the side of the rat race, disconnect ourselves from the chaos, and get quiet long enough to hear what He is saying. Then gently learning how to feel the gentle flow of His plan, and know what it feels like to not use our own efforts, but instead allow Him to guide us.

Jesus said, ā€œI am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothingā€ā€” John 15:5.

The only way we can do ANYTHING worthwhile, effectively, and what will change our lives and the lives around us, is IF we are abiding in Him.

Abiding means: To wait patiently for; to withstand difficulty; to remain with; to continue to be sure or firm; to endure; to dwell; to await in expectation; to withstand or sustainā€”in other words to not give up.

Letā€™s stop here and let this have time to sink in.

Jeremiah 23:28 ā€œ ā€˜ā€¦ let him who has My word speak My word in truth. What does straw have in common with grain?ā€ declares the LORD.ā€™ā€

Ask the Lord, your Heavenly Husband, to shine a light into your heart. Unless we ask Him to help us find the time and determination to do something different, to feed on grain (what's worth feeding our minds and souls on) from straw (junk food for the brain and spirit), how can we possibly survive the destruction thatā€™s sweeping through our lives? And then, asking Him how He wants us to reach out to others who are perishing for a lack of knowledge.

Remaining close to the Lord, intimate with your Heavenly Husband and remaining still and quietly enough, will change your life from destruction to begin doing the impossible. If you ask me, itā€™s worth practicing.

ā€œTherefore do not be ashamed
of the testimony of our Lord,
Ā or of me His prisoner;
Ā but join with me in suffering for the gospel
Ā according to the power of God . . .ā€
Ā ā€”2 Timothy 1:8
May Your Life Encourage and Teach Women!Ā 

It's time to fill out your journal documentingĀ What I LearnedĀ for this lesson.

PLEASE NOTE: We want to AGAIN encourage you to really POUR your heart into each and every journal to recall What I learned as this will prepare you and lead you to your own ministry

He is calling you to be an encouraging woman who has a heart for others and continues being led and transformed by Him. šŸ™‚

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