πŸŽ“ Student Fellowship Audio

Hello dear πŸŽ“ Students,

Here is the English πŸŽ“ Student Fellowship Audio.

NB!! Please listen/read to the end for discussion on PR Guidelines.

The transcription is added at the bottom so it can be translated with the orange Translate button at the bottom of your screen.

πŸ“ŒPlease Seek God to start a πŸŽ“ Student Fellowship in your languageΒ 

RMIOU EnglishπŸŽ“Student Fellowship

September 18th 2024

(0:03) Hi, good evening ladies. Welcome to our student fellowship. I am so happy to see you, (0:10) and I can't wait to hear your praises.

So I'm not gonna, (0:17) I'm sorry, I just want to admit Paula, I'm not gonna put you on a spot. If you do have a praise (0:27) to share, you can just put up your hand, and then I'm not gonna interrupt in between, (0:34) you are more than welcome to share on the previous person's praise, and then we'll see (0:41) how it goes from there, and we'll do the same with the lesson. Okay Yvonne, I see you raised (0:48) your hand first, so you can start first.

Hi ladies, I'm Yvonne from South Africa, (0:56) and I raised my hand, but I raised it, I should have just waited until I had the promise that I (1:02) wanted to share with you, so you'll just have to bear with me one second, let me just quickly find (1:07) it on my phone, and then I'm gonna start my praise, I'm sorry. I raised my hand, but I didn't know (1:13) Adina was gonna call on me so quickly. Please, thank you Isabella, let me just find it, you go.

(1:24) Hi, I'm Isabella from Costa Rica, and I just want to pray my heavenly husband, because yesterday, (1:32) we have been in a season of weird trials, I mean just weird stuff happening, and yesterday I (1:39) was supposed to send the money here in Costa Rica, I know maybe you guys can do the same thing, we (1:45) can send money through our cell phones to another people's bank account, so I was doing that, and we (1:51) do that through their phone numbers, but I wrote one digit wrong, and I sent 180 dollars to the (1:59) wrong person, and I was freaking out, because sometimes there's people that they just don't (2:04) want to give you the money back, you know, and because it's your mistake, there's nothing you (2:09) can do about it, so as soon as I noticed, it just took me a second to notice that I type an eight (2:17) instead of a zero, so I start praying, I said Lord, please help me, and I phoned the person, he was (2:24) the nicest man in the world, and I explained the situation, I said, please help me, that money is (2:31) not mine, and I'm freaking out, and he said, don't worry, I totally understand, I will give you your (2:36) money back, and in less than five minutes, prayed the Lord, he gave me my money back, and I was just (2:43) praising the Lord, because you know, there are not many honest people now, so I just praise him, (2:50) because he even, he knew I was going to make that mistake, for sure he knew, and he sent my (2:56) money to the right person, so he can give it back, so I bless that amazing man, I bless him, I pray (3:04) with him, and I say thank you like a thousand times, and I just want to praise the Lord, because (3:09) you know, even though we're gonna make mistakes, because we're gonna do it, he already got the (3:15) solution, when we pray before, so just pray as soon as you wake up, so every little thing that may go (3:23) wrong, he can direct your steps back to him, thank you. Thank you so much for sharing Isabella, as you (3:31) were sharing your praise, I was just thinking that here in South Africa, when you do it that way, (3:36) they make sure that you know, if you send it to the wrong person, you know, it's your mistake, (3:41) the bank won't help you, no one will help you, you know, so what a beautiful phrase, when you just (3:47) thought of it, I was like, there's no way you could have gotten your money back, there's just (3:52) absolutely no way, so my praise, I'm Yvonne from South Africa, and my praise today, it's just (3:59) today, when I was driving home, and it's dark, and you could see the moon, and it's full moon, (4:05) and it's just so beautiful, because it's like behind, you know, the soft clouds, so you can (4:11) see the moon, but it's like a weird color, you know, and it's so beautiful, and while I was looking (4:18) at the moon, and I called the children out, I said, just come and check the moon, just come and see (4:22) how beautiful the moon is tonight, I was thinking of this verse, that I want to share with you in (4:27) Psalms 8, and it says, when I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, (4:32) which you have set in place, what is mankind, that you are mindful of them, human beings, that (4:38) you care for them, and in that moment, while I was just standing there, and looking at the moon, (4:43) I just felt his love, and I just know that he puts these beautiful things in place for us, you know, (4:50) when he made this beautiful earth, he had you and me in mind, and he knew that we would be standing (4:56) there, looking at the moon, admiring the work of his hands, so I just want to praise him today for (5:03) everything, all the beautiful things that he made for us, that we sometimes just walk past, and you (5:08) know, we just forget about, I was sitting outside in the week, I was sitting outside, and it was (5:14) cloudy, so because it's rain season here, right, and it was like cloudy, and I was just sitting (5:18) outside for a moment, having a cup of coffee, and I could hear the birds anticipating the rain, right, (5:25) and I could hear the birds chirping in the trees, and it was all so quiet, there was nothing except (5:30) the chirping of the birds, and I was just thinking to myself, how many times do we really sit and (5:36) appreciate the things that he's made for us, he gave those birds those beautiful voices, so that (5:43) we could sit and listen to them, and have the peace that supports us all understanding, so that's my (5:49) praise for today. Thank you so much for listening, ladies.

Thank you, Yvonne, I will share, but please (5:56) if anyone else have a praise, just raise your hands, because I just want to share this promise, (6:04) and but Yvonne, before I share my promise, I just want to tell you that, you know, sometimes when I (6:08) I've got this little, what do you call it in English, veranda, what do you call it, (6:16) and although I stay in a townhouse, you know, with a complex, with a lot of houses on top of each other, (6:24) or not on top of each other, but you know, it's close, in close proximity, you can still see the (6:30) sunset, and then sometimes it's like, especially in summer, when you know, not when it's raining, (6:37) when it was a beautiful sunshine day, there's like a pink strip, you know, as the sun goes down, (6:44) it's that bright, like a bright pink strip, and it's so beautiful, and when you see that, you can (6:50) just praise him for, you know, you can just stand in awe of the beauty of his creation, and that, (6:58) you know, he gave us all this beauty around us to just, we can really see in all creation, you know, (7:07) that's so beautiful, and I just want to, the promise I want to share is from Psalms 27 verse (7:15) 13 to 14. I would have, and would have despaired, is in italics, in the Bible version I have open (7:23) here, I would have despaired unless I have believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the (7:30) land of the living. Wait for the Lord, be strong, and let your heart take courage.

Yes, wait for the (7:38) Lord, and when I read this, it reminded me, you know, sometimes when we are in a waiting season, (7:48) and it seems like nothing is happening, you know, you can just think back, you know, and you can see (7:56) the goodness, you know, if of everything he did for us in the past, all the times he came through (8:03) for us, you know, and that's what this promise just made me think of. We must just take courage (8:15) in our waiting seasons. So, no one else wanted to have a praise? (8:24) Yes, I want to.

Hi ladies. I was not expecting to be here with you today, (8:34) but you know, he's awesome. Sorry, I have, I was not ready for being, (8:43) but I want to share.

It's so amazing, like Yvonne shared, because this morning I went to walk. You (8:52) know, I have very close to the beach, but there was a long time that I didn't go to do a walk, (9:00) that it was something that I really loved to do, but I cannot explain why, but I was not, you know, (9:06) in the mood of feeling, yes, there is no chance for me to go there. I cannot explain why, and I (9:16) was talking to him and telling him, oh, I just, I want to go, not only because I need some exercise, (9:24) but because it's really beautiful.

I love to see this, to see the sea and the sand and everything, (9:33) you know, this is really special, and it's a blessing to have this kind of opportunity. So, (9:39) I was talking to him, and then this morning I could hear his voice telling me, let's go, (9:47) let's go to the beach, let's go to walk. So, he wake me up very early, and I could go there, (9:56) and it was like Yvonne was telling us about how special it is to look at everything that he (10:06) made with his hands and his words and everything.

So, and the promise that it came to my mind is, (10:15) arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you. (10:23) See, darkness covers the earth, and thick darkness is over the peoples, (10:29) but the Lord rises upon you, and his glory appears over you. So, it was really special, (10:37) and now I know that I, he's really raising me up, you know, and I'm so glad that I could share (10:47) this with you today, ladies.

Thank you. Thank you, Paula. That was a beautiful promise, and (10:55) I could just imagine, you know, the scenery of walking and seeing the beach.

I mean, I stay so (11:02) far away from the beach. I have to look at the YouTube video to see it, but I can just imagine, (11:10) you see so much of his love and care, and in his creation, you know, and that he gave it all to us. (11:23) Stephanie, Dorcas, I see you want to also share a praise.

(11:30) Yes, I just want to praise my heavenly husband, because he is faithful, and then he had made what (11:37) seems impossible, possible. So, as I said last, the last time for the ladies who weren't there, (11:44) I am currently living in USA, but my original country is Canada, and I went in America because (11:54) this is where my husband lived, and that's why I moved there, but during this journey, (12:00) I lost our home, and I had to come back Canada for a season, and I'm currently staying with my dad, (12:06) and that is really good, because I didn't have any relation with my dad or my parents, (12:11) and he has started restoring those relations, but what happened is that I came also to do (12:18) something specific here in Canada, and that took longer than expected, and my dad was wondering (12:24) what's going on, what's going on, because you told me it was only a month or two, but I didn't actually (12:29) really told him a time, because I know I can't control those things, but I didn't also, (12:36) I didn't want him to think that I was lying, and I was not true in what I was saying, so then (12:42) two weeks ago, he told me, when are you going back in USA, give me a day, give me a day, (12:49) so I was a little bit feeling pressure, and I wanted to take one minute to go talk to my heavenly (12:55) husband, and come back, give my dad an answer, but he was a little bit pressuring me, so I said I will be (13:01) leaving just one minute at the middle of the month, so he thought I was living in the middle of the (13:07) month, so then after I was like, oh God, what did I done, and I was seeking my heavenly husband, and I (13:13) was really, really sad, and then I just want to praise them, because I realized the principle (13:20) work with everyone, so what happened is one evening, I told my dad, have a blessed night, (13:27) you know, I love you, my dad is not yet a believer, but you know, and I said I love you, and have a (13:32) blessed night, so he said, oh I love you too, but not the same way you love me, so I was like, okay, (13:38) he was like, yes, just because I have a bit you to live away, and you know, I don't have a bit you to (13:44) around that much, because I left home when I was 16 years old, so I didn't, you know, (13:50) that's the first time since I'm 16, that I'm around my parents, so then I didn't say anything, (13:56) I smiled, and I said, okay, have a good night, not even one minute later, he said, I'm so sorry, (14:02) I didn't mean that, I want you to think that I don't love you, so I said, it's okay, and we started (14:09) to talk about my situation here, and I didn't have to say anything, he said, you know what, (14:14) you can stay, he said, don't worry about that, I said, I'm sorry dad, it took a little bit longer (14:19) than what I was expecting, but he said, you can stay, and we started talking, and then I was (14:25) emotional, I cried, and he hugged me, and God fixed it, you know, so I'm really happy, and I (14:32) want to praise my heavenly husband, because like maybe for you ladies, that seems simple, (14:38) but for my situation, it wasn't that simple, and he made a way where it seems to be no way, (14:44) I don't think my dad, sorry, it's my cat, I don't think my dad would have kicked me out, (14:50) but I didn't want him to feel that he, I was, you know, overstaying, and not respecting his (14:55) boundary, because you know, I mean, I do believe I have to honor my dad, and excuse me, sorry, (15:03) and this is what I wanted to do, so I'm really grateful for my heavenly husband, and for what (15:09) he has done, and also, I want to say that what I came to do here, it took so much time, you know, (15:16) it was like one person say something, one another person say another thing, and something, and (15:21) something, and I was just taking so much time since I arrived here, and I was just present him two (15:27) days ago, and I received a message on WhatsApp at, sorry, at midnight two days ago, and tonight, (15:37) I have my first appointment, so I'm very grateful, because it's just, you know, we just have to be (15:44) grateful, and for whatever he is doing, maybe things don't go the way we want, but we can see, (15:51) we can drink normally, we can sit, you know, we don't have a bag to go to the bathroom, (15:55) we are alive, we are healthy, and we have our promises, because so many women don't have those (16:01) promises, you know, some people are like, hey, I'm standing since like 20 years, and God hasn't (16:07) moved in my situation yet, but they might have done mistakes they were unaware of, you know, (16:11) and I'm grateful for what God's doing, because with RMI, I would have made, without RMI, so many (16:18) mistakes, you know, so many mistakes, and he is changing me first, and I know he will accomplish (16:25) what he promised, so sorry if I talk a lot, I mean, I'm just very excited, and yeah, God is good. (16:32) Thank you, Dorcas, for sharing, and I just want to praise you also with you for just, (16:41) you know, restoring your relationship with your dad, and always acting in your life, and you know, (16:50) there's so many things on this journey that he restores, you know, relationships, (16:55) you know, like relationships and things, just our lives, he restores our lives, you know, (17:01) and our words to him, so thank you for sharing.

Okay, so I don't know, I'm gonna go to the lesson (17:08) now, so if you haven't read the lesson, you do not have to share, but if you have, and you do (17:14) want to share something about the lesson, you can just raise your hand, and you know, yes, it seems (17:20) froze, oh, okay, she's back, all right, just wanted to take over now with your back, good, (17:30) okay, sorry, if anyone wants to share about the lesson, you can just raise your hand, (17:39) okay, okay, now I just want to share something, because I have read the lesson before, (17:46) but not in, you know, not in the Restore Your Relationships book, but in the Restore Your (17:51) Marriage book, but you know, I've read it now in the Restore Your Relationships, and the first (17:58) thing that struck me, the first time I read it, this was the second time, was how (18:06) he also wants to restore your childhood, and you know, especially for me, that didn't have (18:15) yeah, I had some turmoil in my childhood, and (18:21) when I started my journey, I also had to go on a journey of facing all the stuff that happened (18:31) in my childhood, and to forgive everything that happened in my childhood, because I mean, (18:39) even if I didn't, I, when I got married, and I started to live my life, I really thought I dealt (18:45) with all my childhood trauma, but I didn't, you know, you can, it affected so many aspects of (18:56) my life, and when he took me on this journey, I really had to forgive my parents, everything that (19:08) happened, you know, I had to give every memory to him, and in the process of forgiving and him (19:17) taking me through that healing process, where he just healed me, he changed it in such a way that (19:25) if I think of my childhood, you know, I do not, if I do think of something, one of the bad things (19:32) that happened, there's no emotions attached to it, but I do tend to think more about the good times, (19:42) you know, because there was also good times in growing up, it wasn't just bad, so (19:51) that's really amazing how he changed that, because previously I would, (19:55) you know, you would only focus on the bad stuff that happened, and not on the good stuff, so (20:02) he really took me on that journey to now look at my childhood and can really appreciate it, and (20:11) just look at the good times, that was also in my childhood, so he restored my childhood for me, (20:21) so I just wanted to share that, and then Isabella, I see you want to share something, Isabella? (20:33) Sorry, you guys, this is my cleaning time, so I'm running all around the house, yeah, I love this chapter, (20:40) because I remember when I came here, and I read that chapter on a Spanish app, and my tears just (20:48) came flowing, I said, oh, I'm loved, I'm cherished, everything that I'm going through has a reason, (20:55) you know, that's the first thing I thought, and yesterday, I don't know, I was catching up with (21:00) The Encourager, because sometimes there's a lot of stuff we need to catch up, and the Lord led me to read, (21:08) I don't know if you guys read it, if not, go to The Encourager page, Ruby's praise about the wickedness, (21:15) oh my God, that was so good, because as Adina was sharing, you know, we all have childhood traumas, (21:23) you know, we all have to go through different situations, and we need healing, and I was (21:28) reading that praise, and I said, oh Lord, I do have stuff that I'm wicked at, still, you know, (21:33) because I get angry so easily, I don't want to, but still, with my kids, I'm losing patience so fast, (21:41) that I've been praying about it, and then yesterday, when I was reading, she was saying, (21:47) very beautiful, in a very beautiful manner, that she has left, Isabella, is it me, or is it you that just got (22:02) Can you hear me? Now we can. Okay, so I just, I just want to say that we really need to heal, (22:12) and there's a lot of healing that we need to do, and this is a daily process, (22:16) because there's a lot of things that we may not know, that are hurting us from our past, in our present, (22:22) that we need to take into His hands, so we can be healed, and live away, as Ruby says, (22:28) the wicked woman that we are, all those feelings that come across, when we are angry at someone, (22:34) or when our child, children do something to us, that we easily get fuzzed, we need to go to Him, (22:41) and ask why, you know, and try to reflect His love towards everyone, and that is the journey I'm in (22:48) right now. It's not easy, because I live surrounded by family, which that by itself is a patient's (22:57) trial, but I'm just praising the Lord that I'm going through this, because this is making me (23:03) understand why I react sometimes the way I do, so I just love the way He wants to heal our whole life, (23:12) so we can teach others about healing.

It's not always easy. People love to go to counseling for (23:18) that, but I think that when you discover that we have the best counselor, and that He give us (23:24) in our salvation package, He's giving us the spirit of His counsel, why do we need to go to (23:30) anyone else, right? We can share between each other, because we are sisters in the same journey, but (23:37) there's no need to go to anyone else, but to Him, to understand why we react the way we do, and He will (23:44) reveal to us all the things that are, that we have wounded, or all the wounds that we have, (23:51) so we can change all those little details, and just pass it to our children, so they can understand (23:58) how can we heal, and as Adina said, it will come to a time that we will remind the stuff that (24:05) happened to us, and we will just laugh of that stuff, because we'll say, well, it was very painful, (24:12) but I learned this, and people will understand what does it mean to really have a relationship (24:18) with the Lord, okay, because we will still go through deaths, and trials, and horrific stuff, (24:24) because this world is broken, I mean, we are not living in a fairy tale, you know, we're going to (24:30) go through so many stuff, but in Him, we have the hope that He will heal us, you know, so for me, (24:37) that's the beauty of it, you know, just knowing that, you know, I may get hurt, I will get hurt, (24:42) but I will heal, and that will help others to understand that through Him, (24:47) we have healing, and this is a journey, and it's a beautiful and painful journey, because sometimes (24:54) we don't want to wrap up all the things that hurt us, but it's so needed to grow, right, it's so (25:00) needed to grow, especially when we are moms, because that's the way we teach our children to heal, (25:07) and to show them that with the Lord, we can heal, and we can be joyful, and we can (25:12) smile at the future as the woman of Proverbs 31, so this is such a good chapter, and I really, (25:20) really encourage you to go to the encourager, and find that room with prayer, that was so good, (25:24) it's an eye-opener, thank you. Thank you for sharing Isabel Ayaz, this chapter, (25:31) it, every time you read it, you know, it's like, just touching your heart, (25:39) and giving hope, you know, giving hope that nothing is impossible with Him.

(25:44) So ladies, if no one else wants to share about the lesson, I just quickly want to talk about (25:50) something, this is now related to RMIOU students, so because I'm going to share the audio, I just (25:57) want to share it here, and that is about the PR guidelines, I just want to share my screen quickly, (26:12) see if I can share it, so I just want to open the PR guidelines here, because the newest, (26:28) the latest guidelines that were added here was about the preachy Pharisees, (26:36) you know, where your PR shouldn't be like preaching to other ladies, you know, and then the last one (26:46) was about speaking to the Lord, you know, like when you submit a praise report, or you comment (26:52) on a praise, where you do not submit it as a prayer, basically. Yvonne, I don't know if you (27:01) want to also share something about that, collaborate a little bit, or just share a bit (27:08) more about that, because there's also another thing that is also, we must talk about, and that is (27:17) advertising on the Encouraging Woman, so that includes, I think it's books from, you know, other (27:26) books that's not from RMI, not on the recommended list, movies, I think? Yes, yes, yes, names of movies, (27:41) anything that has like, you know, that refers to something else outside of the ministry, (27:48) we, like you can say, I watched a movie, and it made me think about, you know, this, or this, (27:56) or this, if it's part of a praise, but don't mention what the movie, or the book, or the, you know, (28:03) or what it was that you read, or something like that, so if your praise comes out of something (28:09) that happened because you read it, or you saw the movie, don't mention the movie, or the, you know, (28:16) it there, and I think, coming back to the pharisee, the spirit of the pharisee, right? (28:24) It's not easy to recognize it in terms of, you know, am I doing it? Because sometimes, we just (28:32) want to help the woman, you know? We just want to, we just want to give them, like, advice, and help them, (28:39) and you know, like, sort of preach to them, to say, don't make the same mistakes. I think it's the way (28:45) that we say it, that makes a difference, instead of trying to, to tell them, don't make the same (28:52) mistakes.

I'll say, you know what, Adina, in my life, I did this, and this, and this, and I knew, you know, (28:58) at the time, and this is how he helped me out of it, and the praise goes to him, and then, you know, it, (29:05) you get what the difference is between, Adina, don't do this, don't do this, and don't do this, (29:11) against your, you know, I did all of these things wrong, in, in the beginning of my journey, (29:19) and this is how he helped me out of it, you know? So, it's like, you see the, the difference between (29:25) the way that you, that you say something. I don't know if I, if I'm saying it correctly, (29:31) if I'm, if I'm explaining it correctly, and then, speaking to the Lord, I think what it also says (29:37) here, you know, it's like, when, it's an intimate thing between the two of you, right? So, it, (29:46) that's why it, it belongs between the two of you, and maybe it belongs in your journals, (29:51) when you're journaling, because there's a place in the journal, where you pour your heart out to him, (29:56) but not when it comes to, you know, writing.

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