🎓Certification and Graduation – Esperanza🎓MM 🇪🇸

🎓 Congratulations Esperanza

Please congratulate and share a promise with Esperanza who completed all the required courses and practical to get certified as a 💔 Marriage Minister 💔

7 Courses for Your Marriage Minister Certification

  1. How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage
  2. A Wise Woman
  3. Course 2
  4. Facing Divorce, Again
  5. Workers@Home
  6. Be Encouraged CLASSICS
  7. Be Encouraged


“All of this comes from God, who has reconciled us to himself and has given us the ministry of reconciliation, we are His ambassadors…”

“Feed my sheep." John 21:17

👩🏻‍🎓 Monthly Certification and Graduation


📌Please remember to let us know once you completed your 💔MM / 💗ALC / 🪴HGM / 🌐 MLM courses, email address can be found in the portfolios 📌

*Please remember to use the TRANSLATE Button at the bottom of each screen to translate the text on the page.

8 thoughts on “🎓Certification and Graduation – Esperanza🎓MM 🇪🇸”

  1. ¡Felicidades Esperanza!🌷
    Que nuestro Amado continúe guiándolos y fortaleciéndolos. Recuerda esta promesa de Él para ti:
    “El Señor es mi fortaleza y mi escudo; Mi corazón confía en él y soy ayudado; por eso mi corazón triunfa, y con mi cántico te lo agradeceré. El Señor es [su] fortaleza, y él es refugio de salvación para su ungido”.
    Congratulations Esperanza! 🌷
    May our Beloved continue to guide and strengthen you. Remember this promise He made to you:
    “The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped; therefore my heart triumphs, and with my song I will give thanks to him. The Lord is [a] your strength, and he is a refuge of salvation for his anointed.”

  2. Querida Esperanza, muchas felicidades, continua avanzando. Esta promesa es para ti hermosa:
    “Con sabiduría se edificará la casa, Y con prudencia se afirmará; Y con ciencia se llenarán las cámaras De todo bien preciado y agradable.”
    ‭‭Proverbios‬ ‭24‬:‭3‬-‭4‬ ‭RVR1960‬‬

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