Email Etiquette: Part 2: Subject Line and Signature

Subject Line:

Your recipient will see your subject line before they open the email; therefore, it is crucial to have a good subject line that summarizes the topic of the email. If your subject line is vague, confusing, or has spelling mistakes, the recipient might decide not to open the email.


How you sign off on your emails also matters. “Kind Regards” or “Best Wishes” will be fine most of the time, but if it is the first time you are sending an email to the recipient or it is a very formal email, “yours sincerely” or “yours faithfully” will be a better option.

For business or professional emails, include the following information:

Your Name
Your Position
Company Information
Contact Details

You can also create signatures with your company logo, photo, and social media handles. You can setup your signature in your email provider settings, for instance in gmail you can find it under “Settings” –> “General”–> Signature.

For personal emails, signing off and adding your name will be adequate.

1 thought on “Email Etiquette: Part 2: Subject Line and Signature”

  1. I always loved the signatures with the company logo. Thank you for all the information, Adina!!

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