~ Liza in Costa Rica πŸ‡¨πŸ‡·πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡ΈΒ is currently a Level 2, MTI πŸŽ“ RMIOU Student.

Four days after my spouse left, I searched the internet for marriage restoration and found RMI. Becomming a Minister will not only heal my life, but it is the way to turn and give of the abundance that my Beloved has given me and taught me, so that other Brides who come after me do not make the mistakes that I made, so that they know that there is hope in the Lord, who loves us, and is the one who heals our soul.

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My Personal Journey and BIO

What brought you to RMI and how did your Restoration Journey begin?

It had been less than a month since we had just celebrated 18 years of marriage. One night, my husband Juan came home and told me that he was doing something wrong. He told me that he could not stay living in the house any longer, because he had been dating another man for a little over a month. I told him not to leave, that we should go talk to a priest, but he didn't want to. That day he left the house and I was left crying, thinking that this was not real.

I started searching on the internet, 4 days after he left, for marriage restoration and I found the Ministry.

That's where my Journey of Restoration began.

What has RMI and/or Encouraging Woman done to help you, and what has it meant to you? How have you, and how has your life changed, since learning the promises and applying the principles from RMI?

When I started the courses, I understood that I was the one who had torn down myΒ  house, because of disobedience to Our Lord.

Through the lessons, I was broken and fell at His feet, repentant, asking Him to help me to obey Him.

My life is not the same since I came to the Ministry. I learned about the principles, I let go of my church, I learned to tithe and fast. Before, I did not read the Bible, and now the Psalms and Proverbs have given me strength and wisdom. I am finishing reading the Bible for the second time. There is a before and after in my life, after coming to the Ministry.

Thanks to my Beloved Lord, who had mercy on me, and brought me to this spacious place, because sometimes, at the beginning of my Journey, I even thought about leaving this world. Here I learned the love of the Lord, the Truth that I did not even hear in the church, about the role of women.

I can say that this journey has brought me closer to the Lord, it taught me to obey, to run the extra mile, to not pay evil for evil, to do things, putting the Lord first. Now I carry everything at His feet, in my prayer closet.

Why are you interested in becoming a Minister?

The Lord called me many times to serve in the church, but even though I listened to Him, I did not obey Him, because I did not have time, and I know that I failed Him and was unfaithful to Him.

Being a Minister will not only heal my life, but it is the way to turn and give of the abundance that my Beloved has given me and taught me, so that other Brides who come after me do not make the mistakes that I made, so that they know that there is hope in the Lord, who loves us, and is the one who heals our soul.

To spread His Truth, because the world tells us to act contrary to God's principles, and because in that way, we praise and give Victory to Our Beloved.

Why are you interested in becoming a Minister?

Every story is different, but many are similar, and God shows us that nothing is impossible. It is at the moment when we think everything is over that everything begins.

When I read the testimonies, I felt that each of these women was destroyed by our own reasoning.

Who is FIRST in your life? How did this come about?

When I started in the Ministry, I read how Erin and the other Brides spoke with so much love and infatuation about Our Heavenly Husband, and I wanted to feel that.

I asked the Lord to give me that love for Him, that my cup would overflow for Him.

At first, I told the Lord, you are my Counselor, my Provider, my Prince, but telling Him you are my Husbanc, I couldn't, it didn't feel right. Little by little, going through the Courses, praying, talking to Him, for everything, that need to be with Him began to emerge, and today He is my Husband, my Beloved Lord.

I always tell Him that He is the First when I open my eyes and the last thing I think about when I close them. I take it all to Him.

Are you currently "seeking" restoration for your own marriage? WHY or why not?

Sometimes I wonder if I still want restoration, if I still love my husband, because I have my Heavenly Husband and Best Friend, my time now is for Him. But my Beloved, reminds me that this is so that He may be glorified, so that everyone sees that nothing, no matter how difficult, is impossible for God, and maybe I am a pioneer as Erin says, because my testimony could serve others who go through the same thing.

I just tell the Lord Your Will be done and if He wants to restore my marriage, so be it.

Which resources helped you the most? Which are your favorites?

My Beloved Daily Devotional, , A Wise Woman... But also the courses that I highly recommend Finding the Abundant Life, Living the Abundant Life and the The Poverty Mentality.
The first one, How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage, showed me who I really was, it taught me the principles, it taught me that there is hope.

A Wise Woman, sometimes asked the Lord why I didn't find Him before, it is the guide that every woman should have.

He Healed Me, He touched my soul, He gave me healing.

And the Abundant Life Courses showed me the love of my Heavenly Husband.

The Encourager, the testimonies, are the hands that have helped me walk.

The Living Lessons, the Workers@Home, everything that the Ministry offers, is the word of God, and the guide to live the Abundant Life.

What would you like to say to a woman who is reading your BIO? How would you begin ministering to her?

Dear Bride, I can tell you that despite the pain and hopelessness, the Lord had mercy on me and showed me that this Journey changed my life to bring me closer to Him, to stop listening to the voices of the world that tell you to repay evil with evil.

Sometimes it is difficult, because we think we can't take it anymore, and that is when we turn to Our Husband and find that love that gives us peace, that tells us not to believe what we see, that He is the one in control and who can move hearts.

I can tell you that every word and promise that He has given me is in my soul, and I have seen how His Word is fulfilled.

Don't give up, keep going, just take refuge in the Love of the Lord, talk to Him, take advantage of all the resources of the Ministry, because if you are here, it is because He is going to change your life, as He changed mine, to love Him, to give Him First Place.

Remember, we hope against hope, that is the faith we have in Our Heavenly Husband, so that He and the Father may be glorified.

Liza's IOU: πŸŽ“ QuickStart Enrollment Application:

BNN Name and Surname

Liza Bautista

What country are you from

Costa Rica

What languages do you speak?


Do you hold any academic qualifications?

Yes, I hold an academic qualification.

Please give a brief description:

Bachelor of psychology, never practiced

Are you currently working outside the house?

Yes, I work for a living.

Please give a brief description of your current occupation.

Sales advisor at an optician

Which Field of Training do you feel called to study?

Marriage Minister

Which of these courses have you COMPLETED with JOURNALS

How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage

A Wise Woman

Be Encouraged CLASSICS

Finding the Abundant Life

Living the Abundant Life

Poverty Mentality

Have you completed a Marriage Encouragement Questionnaire?


What was the approximate month and YEAR you first found our ministry?


Please share your heart with us about what RMI and/or Encouraging Women has done and meant to you AND why you feel called to enroll at RMIOU:

RMI has been the spacious place, as the Word says, where the Lord brought me, only by His mercy.
He opened my eyes to the Truth, to see that I was living wrong and that the most important thing is the Love of my Husband.
Before this VR, He called me many times, even in dreams I saw myself speaking of His Word to other women but I never listened to Him. Now I know that He brought me here to learn, so that I can show others, so that they do not make the mistakes that I made in my marriage.
RMI and Erin have taught me for almost 2 years, more than I ever heard in the Church.
Thank you to my Beloved Jesus for bringing me, for looking for this lost sheep, to teach me.
And as His promise says, "separate the Precious from the vile, to be His spokesperson."