~ Kateleen in MAU is currently a Level 2, MTI RMIOU Student.
I found RMI and while she was searching the internet for ways to restore her marriage. I was healed from this chaotic little world. I met the One who loves me. Even when I fall, He finds a way to pick me up. I met my Beloved and despite the difficulties, the failures, the mistakes that I make, I always come back to Him ... because I know that He will never abandon me. I am no longer the same woman, but a woman transformed by a God of love.
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My Personal Journey and BIO
What brought you to RMI and how did your Restoration Journey begin?
In July 2023, I found out my spouse was having an affair with his coworker. I was devastated, depressed, jealous, angry and suicidal.
While searching the internet for ways to restore my marriage, I came across the book How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage. I discovered my true colors.
Today I was healed from all this chaotic little world. I met the one who loved me, even when I fall, he finds a way to pick me up. I met my Beloved Lord and despite the difficulties, the failures, the mistakes that I find, I always come back to Him ... because I know that He will never abandon me.
I would like to express my gratitude to my Beloved Lord for allowing me to come across this book and also to the Wise Woman I shared with a group of women.
I am no longer the same woman, but a woman transformed by a God of love.
What has RMI and/or Encouraging Woman done to help you, and what has it meant to you? How have you, and how has your life changed, since learning the promises and applying the principles from RMI?
Meeting an encouraging woman had a major impact on my life. Because of my passion for the word of GOD, but my lack of affection towards GOD by putting him above my husband, I assure you that the worst fight I ever faced was giving in. It was really hard to apply it to win without a word, when I saw all that my spouse was doing and my mouth could not even open.
All the humiliation, shame and rejection were bad, but as I read through the blogs, I found healing. The testimonies were a great help. I had been deeply moved by Kelly Todd's book, but I knew as I read through it, there was one thing that all the women were discussing: LETTING GO. It's harder to let go when you know you have to let go of even the love in your heart, and that's one of the lessons I read frequently. Every blog, every lesson, we heard our Lord speaking to us.
Today I confirm that I do not depend on my spouse because I live very well with my children and one of the promises I made in my life is not to feed the poverty mentality. When I stopped saying words that I did not know, that is when I realized that I was blessed by our Beloved Lord.
Why are you interested in becoming a Minister?
Every story is different, but many are similar, and God shows us that nothing is impossible. It is at the moment when we think everything is over that everything begins.
When I read the testimonies, I felt that each of these women was destroyed by our own reasoning.
Who is FIRST in your life? How did this come about?
He will always be first because I have never known such pure love. How did this happen? One afternoon, I jumped on the couch and expressed my unconditional love to him. I expressed my love from the depths of my being and I heard "I LOVE YOU TOO".
Are you currently "seeking" restoration for your own marriage? WHY or why not?
I refuse to restore my marriage because I am living a more passionate love story, I am living authentic love and I do not want it to end.
Which resources helped you the most? Which are your favorites?
My Beloved Daily Devotional, How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage, A Wise Woman... But also the courses that I highly recommend Finding the Abundant Life, Living the Abundant Life and the The Poverty Mentality.
Spend time in his words and his love songs.
What would you like to say to a woman who is reading your BIO? How would you begin ministering to her?
However, I would mainly like these mothers to understand that our Beloved Lord must be the one who occupies our mind. On this road, there are moments of renunciation, moments of wanting to escape from our world, moments of disappointment, moments of trials and moments of emptiness - yes, it must be said that way.
God wants to break this wooden vessel in order to transform it into a vessel of honour. Every time there is a mistake, a failure, a battle, know that He is simply seeking to change you. Even if you cannot give up, He will help you achieve this goal. He IS the beginning and the end of everything. All suffering has an end, my dear wives, it will make you more perfect.
"But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth; and some to honour, and some to dishonour. If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the master's use, and prepared unto every good work." 2 Timothy 2:20-21
"and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it." Matthew 16:18
Kateleen's IOU: 🎓 QuickStart Enrollment Application:
BNN Name and Surname |
kateleen joseph |
I am: |
Female |
What country are you from |
Ile Maurice |
What languages do you speak? |
creole Mauricien |
Do you hold any academic qualifications? |
No, I haven't obtained any academic qualifications. |
Are you currently working outside the house? |
No, I do not have a job at this time. |
Which Field of Training do you feel called to study? |
Marriage Minister
Translation Minister |
Which of these courses have you COMPLETED with JOURNALS |
How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage
A Wise Woman Finding the Abundant Life Living the Abundant Life |
Have you completed a Marriage Encouragement Questionnaire? |
Yes |
What was the approximate month and YEAR you first found our ministry? |
11/23/2023 |
Please share your heart with us about what RMI and/or Encouraging Women has done and meant to you AND why you feel called to enroll at RMIOU: |
En novembre 2023 alors que l'adultère frappe mon couple , j'etais dans un etat critique moralement, physiquement, spirituellement. Alors que je cherchais comment restaurer mon marriage je suis tombé sur votre page et le livre COMMENT DIEU PEUT ET RESTAURERA VOTRE MARRIAGE. J'ai devore le livre en 3 trois jours et j'ai compris que j'étais la seule fautive . Aujourd'hui , j'ai compris ce que le SEIGNEUR attend de moi etre une femme sage qui ne détruit pas son foyer mais d'être son épouse et de ne plus mettre un homme au dessus de lui.
A travers RMIOU , J'ai été vraiment transforme comprenant mon adultere a moi quand j'ai place mon mari au dessus de JÉSUS et qu'à présent que je suis separe de mon EH je ne devais plus mettre qui ce soit au dessus de lui , j'ai aussi compris que veut dire l'épouse de CHRIST une chose que je ne comprenais difficilement ...il nous veut pour lui seul que notre coeur ne soit pas divisé. une chose qui m'a vraiment éblouie et j'étais fascinée c'était le changement de mon prénom de karine a kateleen qui veut dire pure et aussi comment je pouvais appeler celui qui s'est donné a la croix pour moi , de pouvoir vivre une intimité avec lui. Tous les cours sont inspirants j'en ai manqué quelques unes ou meme j'ai fais les cours sans remplir les éloges car je ne comprenais pas l'importance de ses éloges. AIDE MARITALE, HOPE AT LEAST, HOME GROWN a été le premier cours de ministre. Je suis passé par des moment ou je voulais tout abandonner mais je revenais toujours sur RMIOU pour trouver une phrase un eloge qui répondrait a ce que je vis ... UNE CHOSE que je voudrais rendre grâce à DIEU que ce ministère est basé sur sa parole il n'y a rien a changer LE SEIGNEUR EST A LA BASE DE MINISTÈRE que je souhaite vivement que Lile Maurice soit parmi le groupe RMIOU C'est ma prière que les mauriciennes Chretienne savent que DIEU PEUT ET RESTAURERA LEUR MARRIAGE. Please share your heart with us about what RMI and/or Encouraging Women has done and meant to you AND why you feel called to enroll at RMIOU: In November 2023, when adultery struck my couple, I was in a critical state morally, physically, spiritually. While I was looking for how to restore my marriage, I came across your page and the book HOW GOD CAN AND WILL RESTORE YOUR MARRIAGE. I devoured the book in 3 days and I understood that I was the only one at fault. Today, I understood what the LORD expects of me: to be a wise woman who does not destroy her home but to be his wife and no longer put a man above him. Through RMIOU, I was truly transformed, understanding my adultery when I placed my husband above JESUS and that now that I am separated from my EH I should no longer put anyone above him, I also understood what the wife of CHRIST means, something that I did not understand with difficulty ... he wants us for himself alone that our heart is not divided. One thing that really dazzled me and I was fascinated was the change of my first name from karine to kateleen which means pure and also how I could call the one who gave himself on the cross for me, to be able to live an intimacy with him. All the courses are inspiring, I missed some or even I did the courses without filling in the eulogies because I did not understand the importance of his eulogies. MARITAL HELP, HOPE AT LEAST, HOME GROWN was the first minister's course. I went through times when I wanted to give up everything but I always came back to RMIOU to find a sentence, a praise that would answer what I am experiencing ... ONE THING that I would like to thank GOD that this ministry is based on his word there is nothing to change THE LORD IS AT THE BASIS OF THE MINISTRY that I sincerely hope that Mauritius is among the RMIOU group It is my prayer that the Christian Mauritian women know that GOD CAN AND WILL RESTORE THEIR MARRIAGE. |