~ย Isabella in Costa Rica is currently RMI's Dean for RMIOU, and she also experienced a restored marriage! She knows that He helps women walk the narrow path, sharing the truth and hope she found that led her to Him and to an Abundant Life. Follow #Isabella
Isabella's Spanish BIO
Isabella's English BIO
Followย #Isabella
Followย #Isabella
My Personal Journey and BIO
When did you first encounter the RMI (approximate month and year)?
I felt completely lost, my husband and I fought every day. That October of 2017, our family was breaking up. I worked as a photographer all day and my husband worked as a cook at night, this situation plus a lifetime of raising twins, put a lot of stress on our relationship, and on top of that, we didn't have the Lord as the center of us. That October, during a fight, I was looking for hope somewhere on the internet and the Lord led me to RMI.
Isabella: How did your Restoration Journey begin? What brought you to RMIEW?
I started reading and doing lessons that October, but since I worked in the middle of a forest I couldn't write a diary, so I did everything with my cell phone. I realized how horrible I was as a wife, partner, mother and friend, I was very judicious, full of criticism and selfish, I wanted everything on my own terms and I wanted help, and for people to do what I said. This first course helped me see how dirty I was and what a tremendous Pharisee I had become. My family was destroyed and I was to blame. RMIEW gave me hope, especially the first chapter of the first course when I read the beautiful letter Erin wrote to each of us.
Isabella: What has RMI and/or the Women Cheerleaders done and what has it meant to you?
Although my husband never left or had another wife, the distance between us was enormous. The fights, the hatred, the hurtful words, the endless outings, that was really painful. The girls felt the gap between us, and it was just horrible. During those painful times, reading the Bible, having a prayer notebook to write down my promises as we are taught in the ministry, reading the daily entertainer, I fell in love with my One Love, My Heavenly Husband, and all these materials; It made me realize how unfaithful I had been to Him!! That was the source of all my sufferings being on the margins of my true source of love, faith and strength. All the courses made me set my eyes on my one true love, and my life was never the same again. For the first time in my life I understood that all I needed to be happy was the love and forgiveness of my Lord, My Savior, My Beloved Heavenly Husband.
How have you changed and how has your life changed since you met the promises and applied the principles of RMI?
After realizing this, my temperament, my values, and my mind were completely renewed. I want to have a gentle and gentle spirit, I wanted to be the woman I was created to be and to show love, faith and hope to everyone around me. My goals were not set on my desires but on His!! And being the heart of my family was the most important goal of my life. Read the daily entertainer, the e-books, the lessons, the thousands of testimonies, analyze the Bible, and simply be obedient as we are taught; He changes everything around me, my family relationships, my work, and my love for my husband.
Why were you interested in becoming a minister?
Once I learned the love My Heavenly Husband had for me and wanted to share that hope with other women who are lost and filled with pain. I want to take you to your Heavenly Husband, so that you will be filled with light and all the abundant life that the Lord wants us to have!!
What have you gained, learned, or experienced from being a minister?
I don't consider myself a minister, but giving hope and just spreading the word fills my heart with joy, especially when I'm going through a desert and I'm feeling completely lost and depressed, just praying for someone or calling them, or just sending them a piece of scripture, enlightens my spirit like nothing else. This is also something I learned in this beautiful ministry, to give when I have nothing.
Who is FIRST in your life? How did you get to this?
Today I can say that the first thing in my life is My Beloved Heavenly Husband!!! My Savior, My King, My Knight in shining armor, the only love of my life, He who never tires of my voice and my tears, The only One who saw something beautiful in all my filth.
Are you currently "seeking" the restoration of your own marriage? Why or why not?
My marriage is restored right now, but it's not the main thing in my life! Don't get me wrong, I love my family, but I love the Lord more!!
Isabella: What resources helped you the most? Which are your favorites?
During this extremely strong and beautiful journey, I have enjoyed the biblical promises to the fullest, the daily entertainer because I can read and hear about real women with real struggles, the series Finding Abundant Life, Moving Mountains, The Poverty Mindset, all the videos that made me feel like I have a friend on the other side, A Wise Woman who taught me how to be a wife and a real woman, Homeschooling for Him that gave me the wisdom to teach my daughters at home.
What was the reason you were first interested in running for a minister and joining the "A Church Without Walls" Restoration Fellowship becoming HIS bride and HIS church?
After gaining all this knowledge and living free from stress and fear, I needed to show others the Love of My Life! I wanted to share everything I had learned and how these resources could change lives and families. I needed to share the good news of hope and a bright future for all and to be surrounded by others who knew Him as I do now.
When did you come to know the Lord personally? Can you briefly share your salvation experience?
When I was a teenager, I decided to read the Bible for the first time, I mean the whole Bible. I wanted to know who God was and the role He played in my life. After that, I decided to dedicate my life to the Savior of my soul and look for a church that would teach the truth of the Bible and not the myths. I found a church and began the journey of learning biblical principles and knowing Jesus as my Lord. But it wasn't until I came to this ministry that He showed me His true love for me.
Isabella: What would you like to say to the women who are reading your BIO to help cheer them up?
My Dear Beloved Bride, there is no hopeless situation, with our Heavenly Husband your life will never be the same!! He loves the sound of your voice! He is in control of everything that happens in your life, you will never be alone! You are loved, cherished, wanted, needed, and He is just a prayer away. Return to His loving arms!