~ Hope in USA is currently a Level 2, MTI
RMIOU Student. She is studying towards becoming a
Marriage Minister and an
Abundant Life Coach.
I found RMI when I searched the internet for, "God, please help my marriage." Since finding RMI and read the How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage book, my marriage was restored. RMI has not only guided me to the principles to restore my marriage but also has helped me grow so much closer to my Beloved Lord and I have a much more intimate relationship with Him. I am interested in becoming a minister because I enjoy helping people, I enjoy studying the Bible and learning more about God and being able to share my faith with others and help them grow in their spiritual journey.
Read My Restored Marriage Testimony
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My Social Media Ministries:
My Personal Journey and BIO
What brought you to RMI and how did your Restoration Journey begin?
My journey to restore my marriage started in 2002, when I searched the internet for, "God, please help my marriage." At that time, I was pregnant, and my husband had left me, saying we needed a break. While he said he loved me, he said he was no longer "in love" with me.
During my search, I discovered a book titled "How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage." The moment I started reading the first chapter, a sense of conviction washed over me, confirming to me that this was from the Lord. It brought comfort to find someone who truly understood my struggle. Here was another woman who had been through some of the difficulties and heartbreak similar to my situation. Despite my husband's infidelity, I wanted to forgive him and bring him back home. I yearned to be a Godly wife. Immediately, I ordered the book and read it within a few days.
After reading the Restore Your Marriage book, I began applying its principles. I also purchased the Wise Woman and the Marriage Testimony books, which featured real stories of women who had their marriages restored. The day before our court date, my husband, who had filed for divorce, returned home to spend the night. He overslept the next morning, missing the court appointment, and came back home. Through these events, my marriage was restored however...... many years later, I made the mistake of abandoning all the principles I had learned. I transformed into the worst version of myself: a worldly, bitter, angry, and belittling wife who constantly issued ultimatums to my husband. I felt disgusted and full of resentment toward him.
My marriage had reached an all-time low, as I became the worst wife I had ever been. My husband's addiction had taken a toll on me, and in an attempt to get him to seek help, I had began to withhold intimacy as an ultimatum, which backfired. During that time, I had convinced myself that if he loved me, he would make an effort to recover. I would mention a divorce and for several years, I had fallen under the enemy's influence. Worldly desires and "tough love" had taken over me. All the lessons I had learned during my previous restoration had been overshadowed by resentment, bitterness, and self-pity. The final thing that led to him leaving our home occurred when I discovered something on his phone while snooping. I confronted him while he was sleeping, but instead of discussing the issue, he tried to take the phone from me and ended up slapping the phone out of my hand. In that moment, overwhelmed with frustration, I screamed that I was done and demanded that he leave. Although he usually resisted leaving, this time he complied. I convinced myself that this was what I needed and that he didn't truly love me. As a result, he moved in with a friend and his wife and eventually the wifeβs sister became the other woman.
I'm not sure what happened over a 3-week period of him being gone but the Lord changed my heart (it felt like in an instant) and opened my eyes again. I felt love for him and wanted to be kind, intimate, and wanted him home, without even realizing he had recently started talking to someone else. I again started searching for RMI-Erin Thiele (because I couldn't find my old books). I started seeking God and applying the principles once again.
With a sincere heart, I wanted the Lord first in my life, again I learned to apologize, to forgive, to fast, pray, to be patient, to be kind and most of all to love.
What has RMI and/or Encouraging Woman done to help you, and what has it meant to you? How have you, and how has your life changed, since learning of the promises and applying the principles from RMI?
RMI has not only guided me to the principles to restore my marriage but also has helped me grow so much closer to my Beloved Lord and I have a much more intimate relationship with Him.
Letting go of my marital problems and giving my attention to my relationship with God has been a transforming learning experience. Two powerful lessons or principles that have helped me overcome seemingly impossible situations are "Won Without a Word" and "Gentle and Quiet Spirit."
Surrounding myself with like-minded women who encourage me to prioritize the Lord and also how I can take Him as my Heavenly Husband and release my worries to Him has had a tremendous impact on my journey.
Why are you interested in becoming a Minister?
I am interested in becoming a minister because I enjoy helping people, I enjoy studying the Bible and learning more about God and being able to share my faith with others and help them grow in their spiritual journey. It's also an opportunity to work with a team of like-minded women.
Who is FIRST in your life? How did this come about?
The Lord is FIRST in my life. He is constantly on mind and wants the best for me. He loves me, directs my steps, guides me, and forgives me. After my first restoration, I stopped putting Him first after a while, and it was not good. He did not leave me though, and he brought me back and changed my heart once again. Sometimes others need a little more discipline and a couple of times for Him to get and keep our attention on Him.
Are you currently "seeking" restoration for your own marriage? WHY or why not?
My marriage was restored over a year ago. There are still situations I am waiting for the Lord to take care of like my husband getting to know Him and becoming the spiritual/financial leader etc. but He is teaching me to wait for His timing.
Which resources helped you the most? Which are your favorites?
The resources that helped me were the Bible, How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage, A Wise Woman, Poverty Mentality & Moving Mountains. I also wrote scripture on index cards and made myself a notebook with favorite scripture or favorite principles.
What would you like to say to a woman who is reading your BIO? How would you begin ministering to her?
Do not let the enemy convince you that making a mistake or sinning signifies failure and the end of your journey. His goal is to deceive you into believing you have failed. Instead, praise God even in the midst of difficult times. Repent, seek forgiveness, and if necessary, ask God for help in forgiving others, even when it feels challenging.
Pray, fast and most of all put the Lord FIRST in EVERYTHING you do!