~ Hanna in NLΒ is currently a Level 3, MTRΒ RMIOU Student. She is studying towards becoming a
Marriage Minister.
I found RMI and eeuwigdurendeliefde-nl.com after I cried out to God to help me to save my marriage. I was so amazed at the promise I read under the heading 'Divine appointment'. This was an answer to my prayer. I have learned through this ministry why God allows a marriage crisis to happen in our lives. His purpose is to bring us closer to Him. He wants to be the First in our lives. I look forward to giving hope to women who experience intense sadness about their broken marriages and are hopeless and follow the advice of the world, which actually causes much more sadness and pain, by directing them to Him.
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My Personal Journey and BIO
What brought you to RMI and how did your Restoration Journey begin?
When John indicated that he was thinking about leaving me, my world fell apart. At first I thought John needed rest and consoled myself with the thought that he would recover.
The opposite happened, there was an increasing distance between us and we only said what was absolutely necessary to each other. One day John indicated that he did not want to have physical contact with me.
Then I realized that our marriage was in serious trouble. The fear of losing my John became worse and worse, I lived under great tension, cried a lot and tried to do everything I could to please John. I only went to the psychologist to talk about my marriage, John didn't want to come with me, later he did want to come, but then I didn't want it anymore. I enlisted family members to talk to John. But everything I or other people did had no effect and my panic and anxiety got worse
I cried out to God. Lord, what should I do, I don't know anymore, what should I do to save my marriage to John? Then He spoke with power into my heart. I will fight for you Hannah, and you must be quiet. Be strong and courageous Hanna, I am with you! When God spoke these words to me I didn't know they were in the Bible. I started searching and found these texts.
"The Lord will fight for you, and you shall be silent" Exodus 14:14
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous, do not be dismayed or dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9
Then peace came into my heart. God will fight for me, I don't have to do anything anymore. He takes over everything from me. I don't have to be afraid of the things that are to come. He has everything in His hand. A peace and certainty came into my heart that I can be quiet and trust Him. He will finish the work He started.
Because I had hardly heard of restored marriages, I started searching the Internet for testimonials about restored marriages. I found a few testimonies on YouTube that broke my heart and convinced me that with God I can walk this path of recovery. No matter how John responds to me, if I go with Him, everything will be fine.
Again and again I searched for testimonies and longed to find something that would help me to seek God to restore my marriage, I was looking for help based on the Bible.
Then He brought me to the website eeuwigdurendeliefde-nl.com. I was so amazed at the promise I read under the heading 'Divine appointment'. I knew it with all my heart. This is an answer to my prayer. In which He told me about the desire to get help in repairing my marriage. This is how my hopeless heart changed into a heart in which hope and confidence began to grow. I grabbed my Heavenly Husband's hand to begin the journey to recovery with Him
What has RMI and/or Encouraging Woman done to help you, and what has it meant to you? How have you, and how has your life changed, since learning the promises and applying the principles from RMI?
I now experience abundant life with Him as my Dearest Heavenly Spouse. I can't help but thank Him for everything He has done in my life. He has my happiness and your happiness in mind and He looks forward to blessing us. He has a beautiful and big plan for our lives. Just read what it says
Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, declares the LORD. They are thoughts of peace and not of evil, namely to give you a future and hope.
Why are you interested in becoming a Minister?
I have learned through this ministry why God allows a marriage crisis to happen in our lives. His purpose is to bring us closer to Him. He wants Him to be the First in our lives and not our earthly husband. He allows the crisis to happen to ultimately bless us richly because we have Him as our First Love and Heavenly Husband and then He also wants to bless us with a new restored marriage that is firmly built on Him as the Rock.
I have found that there is only one way to get through a marital crisis: We must have Him as our First Love and experience Him as our Heavenly Spouse. Then we will experience abundant life with Him and He will restore all that is broken.
Because so many women experience intense sadness about their broken marriages and are hopeless and follow the advice of the world, which actually causes much more sadness and pain, I look forward to giving hope to these women by directing them to Him.
Who is FIRST in your life? How did this come about?
My Heavenly Husband is the First in my life. He loves me as His bride, I can tell Him everything, to Him I can pour out my heart and let my tears flow. He will never forsake me, He is all I need.
When John told me he wanted a divorce, my heart broke. John was everything to me and I lost him. In this ministry I learned that I had left my First Love, God. I had not put God first. That's why John had to be removed from my life. I learned that whenever I felt pain because I missed John, to go to Him and tell Him that He is all I need and He is all I live for.
Every time I went to Him and told Him that I needed Him, I experienced such peace and tranquility because He told me that He loves me unconditionally and that I can trust Him and that He will take care of me.
Are you currently "seeking" restoration for your own marriage? WHY or why not?
I believe that with God nothing is impossible and that He has a perfect plan for my life. Right now I experience a lot of peace and tranquility and I am grateful that He is my Heavenly Husband. I enjoy my life with Him and would like to keep it that way. But I know He has a bigger plan for me and the children. Yes, I believe He will restore our marriage in His perfect time. Now I am especially grateful that I can focus completely on Him and He is still working in my life and the lives of my children. He will finish the work He started.
"For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, declares the LORD. They are thoughts of peace and not of evil, namely to give you a future and hope. Then you will call on Me and go, you will pray to Me and I will listen to you. You will seek Me and find Me, when you will ask for Me with all your heart." Jeremiah 29:11-14
I will be found of you, declares the LORD; I will turn your captivity, and I will gather you from all the people and from all the places whither I have driven you, declares the LORD, and I will bring you again to the place from which I brought you. into exile.
Which resources helped you the most? Which are your favorites?
How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage
Finding the Abundant Life
Living the Abundant Life
A Wise Woman
What would you like to say to a woman who is reading your BIO? How would you begin ministering to her?
Dear Bride, I want to tell you from the bottom of my heart that your situation is not hopeless and that the crisis in your marriage did not come to destroy your life but rather to restore your life. God allows this crisis into your life so that you will find Him and experience abundant life.
"For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, declares the LORD. They are thoughts of peace and not of evil, namely to give you a future and hope." Jeremiah 28:11
I want to encourage you with two texts from the Bible that He used to give me strength and peace and to put everything in His hands. These scriptures came to my heart when I didn't even know they were in the Bible and before He brought me to RMI. These two texts were my only support for a long time because they were words from my Heavenly Husband.
"The LORD will fight for you, and you shall be silent." Exodus 14:14
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous, do not be dismayed or dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9