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As women we are each called to Encourage and Teach younger women and are told as Believers, we are "epistles read by all men."

Having a BIO will also help teach women how to live with others in an "understanding" way when anyone takes time to read your Restoration Journey Testimony found within your BIO.

If you do not have a BNN (Brand New Name) yet, first complete the EW: BNN Brand New Name. Be sure you have your EH’s BNN and even BNNs your children.

Ask Him to lead you to what FIRST NAME He's chosen for your EH your earthly husband:

Choose from the same Meaning as your BNN "so when you are RESTORED you are not unequally yoked."

Note: When you start writing your BIO, please DO NOT use acronyms or abbreviations like HH but instead write it out "Heavenly Husband" so when it's translated to the other languages the translator knows what's being said. And please don’t use EH but use their EH BNN —like we began using for our recent RMTs.

Personal Details:

BNN Name and Surname
Real Name and Surname
Your Real Name so we know who to associate your BNN with.
I am:
If you are male, please visit
List all the languages you speak, separated by a comma, starting with your Home Language.
Do you hold any academic qualifications?
Are you currently working outside the house?


#tag: If you have ever had a praise report post on the Encourager your BNN was tagged to allow women to follow your praises Simply copy this URL and replace Isabella with your BNN and you should see your posts. EXAMPLE
Do you have any SMM (Social Media Ministries)?
Remember to use your BNN and not your real name. Please Insert the link to your MP3 Upload it to Drive and then add the URL here. Limit the length to 5-6 minutes *Record a test first, to listen for sound quality and volume and... Can you hear a smile in your voice?
Protection & Prosperity

By clicking SUBMIT, you agree to allow us to use your BNN signature and your BIO on our websites.

Once completed, COPY your finished BIO and paste it into your User Profile on our websites where you're actively ministering, along with your Radiant Picture and IOU Level:

Anastasia Angelica Johnson MTR 🇪🇸

Ariele Andrea Daniel MTI 🇧🇷

Janine Leonie Saaiman MTA 🇿🇦

1 thought on “BIO FORM”

  1. muchas gracias a mi amado primero y a este ministerio por darme la oportunidad de ser parte de él y así poder aprender más, para también dar a otras mujeres de las bendiciones que él me ha dado ❤️

    Thank you so much to my beloved Primero and to this ministry for giving me the opportunity to be a part of him so that I can learn more, to also give other women of the blessings that he has given ❤️ me

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