The Heart and the Desire to Become a Marriage Minister… Setting up Your MM Gmail

I would like to share another Praise about how my Husband led me to record a YouTube Playlist on “How to Setup your Marriage Ministry Gmail Account”. In order to have your own Marriage Ministry you will need an email address in order to communicate with hurting women. The very 1st step is to have a BNN “Brand New Name” and BNN Surname in order to remain discreet. The world’s way is all about having “Followers” and getting a name for yourself but the Lord’s way is all about being humble and regarding others being better than ourselves as it says:

Phillipians 2:3
Do not act out of selfish ambition or conceit, but with humility think of others as being better than yourselves.

And that is why we encourage you to seek Him to help you to set up your Gmail account using a BNN, Surname and Radiant, Looking at the Future picture.

I want to praise my Husband because it was HE that reminded me that it is important to take a Radiant, Smiling at the Future picture for your Marriage Ministry Gmail account, I share a little bit about this too \o/

I want to thank my Husband for helping me and reminding me of what I need to share, this is only the start!! The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. May HE be praised for His vision for every one of us who came here hurting and ended up HEALED and WHOLE and having the heart and a desire to become Marriage Ministers and to start our own Marriage Ministry \o/

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